A heart attack is a critical medical emergency that needs attention. It can lead to severe heart problems or even death if not treated timely. But before the main cardiac event occurs, it gives some signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Understanding these symptoms can help you and your loved one stay safe, so it is vital to have knowledge of them. In this article, we will learn about what a heart attack is, and we will also learn about 11 early heart attack signs.
Understanding of Heart Attack
Before getting to know about Heart Attack Symptoms let’s take a look at what Heart attack is and why it occurs.
Heart attack is medically known as “myocardial infarction”, and occurs when coronary arteries get clogged with fat molecules. Coronary arteries are the ones that take blood to and fro for the heart. This blockage leads to less flow of blood through these arteries causing a lack of oxygen. Due to lack of oxygen, the cardiac cells or the heart cells die with time. The classic description of a heart attack is severe chest pain, but the reality is that symptoms can vary very much from one person to another, especially between the sexes.
Heart Attack Warning Signs
- Chest Discomfort
Chest Pain or Discomfort is the most common heart attack symptom. Pain or discomfort can occur due to pressure, fullness, tightness, or pain in the centre or left side of the chest. Most patients compare it to an elephant sitting on their chest. Important is the fact that this kind of discomfort may persist for longer than a few minutes or disappear and then reappear.
- Shortness of Breath
Another critical heart attack symptom is shortness of breath. This can be a symptom on its own or along with the feeling of chest tightness and can even be presented as wind or inability to get a breath. One with this feeling should pay major attention to it if this happens out of nowhere, with or without the addition of some other symptoms.
- Nausea
Nausea and dizziness can also be an early heart attack sign. Other patients are nauseous with abdominal pain. Lastly, one may feel that bad things are going to occur, or they become overstretched and then begin the symptoms, a condition seen more among females, as they do not produce the classic discomfort at the chest that most patients undergoing heart attacks experience.
- Unexplained Tiredness
Although tiredness or fatigue may occur due to everyday work, it can also be one of the heart attack warning signs. An unusual level of stress or fatigue that does not go away from taking rest, especially in females, may be an early sign of a heart attack. This symptom may start a week before the actual heart attack. If you notice unexplained fatigue that is persistent throughout the week, report it to your doctor or go for a medical checkup immediately.
- Sweating
Unexpected sweating is also one of the prominent Heart Attack symptoms that must not be ignored. Also known as cold sweat, it may occur without any apparent cause and can create a damp feeling on the skin. Cold sweat can cause anxiety in the body, and when they occur with other Heart attack symptoms, they warn of medical attention. If you experience an unusual cold sweat with chest pain, seek medical help as soon as possible.
- Uneven heartbeat
An uneven heartbeat can also be an early Heart attack sign. Heart palpitations, or the sensation that your heart is racing, fluttering, or beating irregularly, are also heart attack symptoms. You might feel that your heart is racing or that it is missing beats. Uneven heartbeats are mild in healthy patients; however, if they happen in the presence of other symptoms of a heart attack, they should not be overlooked. The context of the occurrence of palpitations must be considered when deciding the severity of the situation.
- Pain in arms, neck, back or jaw
The spreading of pain from the heart to the arms, neck, back, or jaw can also be referred to as a heart attack warning sign. It is often overlooked as a critical initial heart attack symptom. Discomfort or pain is not severe, a dull ache or a sharp pain. This is often irregular. In any event, if someone experiences the above symptoms, and then other symptoms develop in combination, dial the local emergency number for help immediately.
- Leg or Foot swelling
Swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet could be a sign of heart problems and maybe a heart attack warning sign. Most often, it is caused by fluid retention because the heart cannot pump the fluid through the body effectively. Any patient who experiences sudden, unexplained swelling should be evaluated by a doctor, especially if it occurs with other symptoms and signs.
- Anxiety
It is not uncommon for a heart attack to be accompanied by symptoms of anxiety or panic. Some patients claim to have felt irritable or even to have had an impending sense of doom before the heart attack itself. Psychological signs like these can be quite predictive and should, in any case, not be ignored if combined with other symptoms.
- Skin Colour Change
One of the heart attack symptoms is changing skin colour around the lips or fingertips. This happens due to the lack of oxygen in the bloodstream this condition is known as cyanosis. Knowing about these changes can be beneficial in realising the seriousness of the situation.
- Indigestion
Problems like indigestion always get overlooked by people, thinking that these are some gastrointestinal problems, but they can be Heart attack symptoms. This symptom is more prevalent among women, who tend to have unusual presentations of heart attacks. If you experience very severe heartburn or indigestion that does not respond to the usual treatments, especially if accompanied by other symptoms, it’s important to visit a doctor.
The proper intervention comes with identifying symptoms and early signs of heart attack. While pain in the chest is a highly publicised symptom, there are other indications leading to a heart attack in women, such as shortness of breath, discomfort in multiple parts of the body, nausea, and unusual fatigue. Hence, knowing these Heart Attack symptoms can not only save you but also your friends and family from this fatal condition.