Understanding Liver Disease
The liver is a marvelously resilient and vital organ that plays an indispensable role in nurturing and protecting your body every day with clockwork precision. It has several key functions to perform – it helps filter and dispose off toxic materials from the blood, feeds your body the energy it needs to function, wards off viruses and infections, produces blood-clotting factors, regulates sex hormones, cholesterol levels and vitamin and mineral supplies in your body. Merely the tip of the iceberg, for the liver performs over 500 and odd functions, far more than any other organ in your body!
The need of the hour is to fully understand the critical role the liver plays in sustaining complete health. The liver supports almost every organ in the body and is vital for survival. It is tremendously important to understand the indispensable and central role that the liver plays in maintaining overall good health and vitality – only by doing so can you identify activities that help or harm this vital organ and do all you can to help protect it.
The trouble lies in the fact that this indefatigable worker carries out its work silently, often there’s no hint of trouble and any damage is usually far advanced by the time it makes its presence felt. Currently, there is no artificial organ or device capable of emulating all the functions of the liver. This heightens the importance of maintaining the continual good health of your liver.
UPDATED ON 20/01/2025
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