Anorexia nervosa or anorexia is a sever
Categories: Health A-Z concussion is a head injury that affe
Categories: Neurology Cervicitis is an inflammati
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z Chlamydia is a sexually tra
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z Infectious Disease Menstruation is a process w
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z Falling in love or the abil
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Categories: Health A-Z have menstrual cycles from the age of 11-12 years to about 50 years. In these 40 years’ time span women is likely to have a few episodes of bleeding which is not her usual cycle. If this abnormality persists then one needs to become concerned and consult a gynecologist. There may be an increase in the number of days of bleeding, there could be heavy bleeding with clots there could be associated pain or the bleeding could be irregular. It is normal for menstrual bleeding of a woman to last up to 7 days. Abnormal bleeding can happen when the menstrual period is not regular (when bleeding is longer than normal) is heavier than normal, or when the patterns of bleeding changes. What is a normal menstrual cycle? A normal cycle that comes every 28-35 days lasts for 7-8 days and is not associated with pain or clots. During the menstrual cycle, two hormones -estrogen and progesterone act on the lining (endometrium) of the uterus and causes it to grow. At the end of the cycle, this endometrium sheds and this is seen as menstrual bleeding. The menstrual cycle begins with the first day of the bleeding of one period (referred to as D1) and ends with the first day of the next period. An average cycle lasts approximately 28 days, but it can be shorter or longer. If the cycle is longer than 35 days or shorter than 21 days, it is considered abnormal. Abnormal uterine bleeding includes: Bleeding between periods Bleeding after sex Spotting anytime in the menstrual cycle Bleeding heavier or longer than normal Absence of menstrual periods for 3 normal cycles or 6 months Abnormal bleeding can occur at any age. There are times in a woman’s life when it is common for periods to be somewhat irregular. Often, periods are not regular for the first few years (about 9 to 16 years of age) after a girl begins to have periods. Starting as early as 35 years of age and more commonly when a woman nears menopause (about 50 years of age), it is normal for the menstrual cycle of a women to become shorter. It is also normal for a woman to skip periods or for bleeding to become lighter. However, if the bleeding gets heavier, it should be checked.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Abnormal Uterine Bleeding is bliss. What you don’t kno
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Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Acanthosis nigricans is a s
Categories: Health A-Z Achalasia is a rare disorde
Categories: Health A-Z tendinitis is a condition that causes pain on the back of your leg near your heel. The Achilles tendon...
Categories: heartburn and acidity the bane of your existence? Even a mildly spicy or an extra portion of meals leave you running for an antacid? Maybe it’s time to find the underlying cause and explore a bit deeper into what is medically known as Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). It is defined as the back-flow of stomach contents into the Esophagus causing undesirable symptoms and potentially resulting in esophageal damage. There is an uncomfortable burning sensation felt in the middle of the upper abdomen and/or lower chest. +B2:B8
Categories: A-Z Diseases Acid Reflux is a skin condition that many people experience during their lifetime. It is commonly known as “acne vulgaris.”…
Categories: Acne A person may experience one
Categories: Health A-Z Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV damages the immune system and decreases the ability of your body to fight against infections and diseases. In the early 1980s, doctors described unusual infections and cancers among gay men. These men developed unusual pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii and cancers like Kaposi sarcoma and died due to a severe deficiency in their body’s immune defenses. By September 1982, CDC had named this condition as AIDS or acquired immune deficiency syndrome and proposed that it causes a defect in the cell-mediated immunity of the body. Later, the disease was also shown to affect intravenous drug abusers and patients suffering from hemophilia. In 1984, the human immunodeficiency virus was discovered as the cause of AIDS by scientists Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo. Clinically, HIV infection progresses through 3 stages, namely, acute primary infection, stage of clinical latency and AIDS. Throughout these stages, the immunity of the individual progressively decreases, and the number of immune cells present reduces. When the immunity of the individual infected with HIV becomes extremely weak, specific immune cells in his body known as CD4 cells decrease below 200 cells/mm3, and he develops AIDS. AIDS is the most serious phase of HIV infection. In this phase, the patient suffers AIDS symptoms like severe, life-threatening infections, cancers and neurological complications of AIDS. HIV infection is diagnosed by testing for antibodies against HIV in the blood of the patient. A few tests which detect the presence of viral DNA and CD4 cell counts are used to guide AIDS treatment. According to worldwide the statistics published by the World Health Organisation, by the end of 2016, 36.7 million people were infected with HIV. Additionally, 1.6 million deaths occurred due to causes related to AIDS. The African continent has the highest number of people affected. Currently, AIDS is described as a pandemic, a disease which has spread across continents. People in developing countries are most affected, as HIV infection increases the chances of acquiring infections like tuberculosis and dying due to AIDS-related complications. AIDS also affects the economy of the country because a majority of the individuals affected are in the productive age group. Studies have reported that ninety-five percent of individuals with HIV infection live in developing countries. Poverty, the presence of other severe illnesses, unavailability of appropriate medical care and ignorance aggravates the burden of AIDS in these nations. Due to the modes of transmission, individuals who are at risk of developing AIDS or HIV infection are Men who have sex with men Commercial sex workers Individuals who have multiple partners and involve in unprotected sex Illicit drug users who share needles Individuals who have concurrent sexually transmitted diseases
Categories: AIDS Actinic keratosis (AK) is a
Categories: Health A-Z surveillance of prostate cancer
Categories: Cancer care Oncology (Acute Encephalitis Syndrome) is a critical public health concern in India. Also known as ‘Chamki Fever’ or Litchi Virus, AES is a health condition that mainly affects young adults and children and causes inflammation, irritation, or swelling of the brain. Most importantly, it can lead to a significant number of deaths. The chief cause of acute encephalitis syndrome in India is the Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV). Besides, Influenza A virus, Herpes simplex virus, Parvovirus B4, dengue, Epstein-Barr virus, Chandipura virus, S. pneumoniae, etc., are responsible for the sporadic spread of the disease in the country. The first case of JEV-induced AES was recorded in India in 1955 in Tamil Nadu (formerly called the State of Madras). According to the National Vector Borne Diseases Control Program (NVBDCP), over 10,400 cases of AES and more than 630 deaths were recorded from seventeen states in India in 2018. Jharkhand, Bihar, Assam, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, and Tamil Nadu add to the maximum number of cases.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Acute Encephalitis Syndrome emergencies are life threatening. They can arise due to various causes. Whatever may be the cause...
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Categories: Health A-Z Neurology's disease, also known as 'adrenal insufficiency' is a rare disorder where the adrenal glands do not produce...
Categories: Acute disseminated encephal
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Categories: Adult-onset Still's disease
Categories: Health A-Z is a serious condition caused by the infection Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It damages a person's immune system and its ability...
Categories: is a genetic disorder when there is little or no production of pigment melanin in a person’s hair, skin and eyes.
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Categories: Health A-Z intoxication is a condition in which the alcohol consumed by a person leads to physical and behavioral abnormalities....
Categories: withdrawal occurs in people who have been drinking heavily for years, months or even weeks and stop...
Categories: hepatitis is a condition which leads to inflammation of a person's liver. It is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol...
Categories: liver is the largest organ in our body which plays a central role in metabolic processes. Alcohol can damage the liver and its functioning. Over the years, the number of alcohol-related diseases and death is increasing. Young people between the age group of 25 – 34 are more affected at a prime period of life. How is alcohol related to liver? The liver is a most important organ which performs around 500 functions daily like bile production, detoxifying substances, metabolizing proteins, storage of vitamin and minerals and so on. The liver acts as a filter and processes whatever we eat or drink, including alcohol. Drinking of alcohol puts our liver under stress which further causes dehydration, scarring and alcohol-related liver diseases; even when people don’t have a family history of such diseases. Also Read : Liver Function Test Normal Range What is Alcohol-Related Liver disease and what are the different stages? A damage caused to the liver or its function due to alcohol abuse is known as Alcohol-Related Liver disease. Nowadays, more people are getting affected due to alcohol abuse, especially young adults. Research has proven that there is a rise in morbidity and mortality due to alcohol-related liver diseases, especially with binge drinking. Alcohol-related liver diseases can occur in the following stages, however, there can be an overlap between each stage: Alcoholic fatty liver: It is the first stage of liver disease which usually occurs due to heavy drinking or even to those drinking large quantity in one day. Deposit of fat causes liver enlargement, which further affects the functioning of the liver. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is reversible by stopping alcohol. Alcoholic hepatitis: Continuous alcohol consumption for a long period of time can result in liver inflammation leading to a degeneration of liver cells. It is a critical condition, as it can cause serious damage to the liver and can be life-threatening. Alcoholic hepatitis disease can be reversible if the use of alcohol is stopped and diagnosed before it becomes severe. One has to take proper treatment to recover. Cirrhosis: This is the last stage of alcohol-related liver disease whereby the damage happened to the liver cannot be reversed but, if it is diagnosed in the early stage it can be treated. However, the damage done cannot be reversed. Cirrhosis is permanent scarring (fibrosis) of the liver tissues. Patient with cirrhosis is more prone to liver failure.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Alcoholic Liver Disease is also called 'alcohol use disorder' and 'alcohol dependence'. It is a condition in which the person finds...
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Categories: Dentist’s is a slowly progressing neurological condition. It results in the death of brain cells and the shrinking of the brain. Patients with Alzheimer’s go through multiple stages that affect memory, thinking, cognitive behavior, and simple life skills. The progressive loss of memory (dementia) is the most notable of all Alzheimer’s symptoms. Alzheimer’s disease causes slow and consistent loss of memory. Interestingly, patients with Alzheimer’s disease can remember incidences of the distant past but experience difficulty remembering recent events in the initial stages. Alzheimer’s disease causes extensive degeneration of brain cells with time and results in severe impairment of memory. The individual will lose the ability to carry out routine activities. It may result in death because of severe dehydration, malnutrition, infections, and bedsores. Alzheimer’s has neither any cure nor any remedy to slow down or arrest the disease progression.
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Categories: Health A-Z heartbeats occur because of internal electrical signals that cause the heart to contract and relax. This internal electrical system controls the rhythm and rate of our heartbeats. When that electrical system goes awry, your heart may either beat too fast, too slowly or irregularly. This heart rhythm irregularity is called an Arrhythmia, which can range from few skipped heartbeats that could mostly be a mere annoyance to a racing heart that may cause long-term damage to the heart or may even turn out to be life-threatening. These heart rhythm disturbances can be due to age, hypertension, heart attack, heart failure, thyroid and lung disease, etc. The most common symptoms include palpitation (fast beating), breathing difficulty, giddiness, unconsciousness or sudden death. Arrhythmia treatments can often control or eliminate fast, slow or irregular heartbeats. In addition, because troublesome heart arrhythmias are often made worse — or are even caused — by a weak or damaged heart, you may be able to reduce your arrhythmia risk by adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle. Types of Arrhythmias There are different types of Arrhythmias. Doctors have broadly classified arrhythmias not just according to the speed of heart rate, but also according to the chamber of the heart (atria or ventricles) in which they originate.: Types of arrhythmias include: Tachycardia This refers to faster heartbeats – resting heart rate more than 100 beats per minute. i) Tachycardias in atria(tachycardias originating in atria) include: a) Atrial fibrillation: It is a rapid heart rate due to chaotic electrical impulses in the atria. Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in older people. It is linked to an increased risk of death and may lead to complicated conditions like stroke. b) Atrial flutter: Similar to atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter is also a rapid heart rate due to chaotic electrical impulses. But, in atrial flutter, the heartbeats are with more rhythmic electrical impulses and are more organized compared to atrial fibrillation. Atrial flutter may also lead to stroke and other serious complications c) Supraventricular tachycardia: This is a broad term that involves numerous forms of arrhythmia that originate above the ventricles (supraventricular) in the atria. The duration differs and is generally associated with a feeling of sudden rapid heartbeat. ii) Tachycardias in the ventricles(tachycardias originating in ventricles) include: a) Ventricular tachycardia (VT): Ventricular tachycardia is a fast, regular heart rate, which originates due to abnormal electrical signals in the heart’s ventricles. This is a life-threatening condition and therefore needs immediate treatment. b) Ventricular fibrillation: Ventricular fibrillation is a condition in which, the ventricles beat so rapidly that they are unable to pump blood to the heart, thus resulting in sudden death. It is predominant in people with weak hearts but may also affect those with normal hearts who may have genetic heart abnormalities such as long QT syndrome and Brugada Syndrome. Premature Heartbeats Generally, premature heartbeats are like a missed or skipped beat. Usually, they are harmless but if they recur frequently they may become a nuisance because of frequent symptoms and/or can lead to the weakening of the heart. Bradycardia Bradycardia is a condition that refers to a slower heartbeat that is less than 60 heart beats a minute at a resting condition. If you have a slower heart rate and if the heart is not pumping enough blood, you may have one of these bradycardias, including: i) Sinus node dysfunction: In this condition, the sinus node (the normal pacemaker of our heart), generates electrical current slowly resulting in heartbeat below 60 beats a minute. If this condition leads to symptoms like dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness or fatigue, then treatment is required. ii) Conduction Block: This is a slow heartbeat caused by a block in the heart’s conduction pathways generally in the ventricles or near the AV (atrioventricular) node.
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Categories: Health A-Z normal heart has four chambers and they work in a steady, rhythmic pattern. In Atrial fibrillation, the atria...
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Categories: Health A-Z Transplant is a revolutionary method to cure bile duct cancer. It is a new ray of hope for patients and offers a long-term chance of survival. Liver transplant has proven an effective treatment method for early-stage intrahepatic or perihilar bile duct cancers. What is the Bile Duct? Bile ducts are a network of long thin tubes that connects the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. Bile duct carries bile, a yellow-greenish secretion produced by the liver. Bile contains salt and cholesterol which helps in digestion of our food. It also contains a waste product, known as bilirubin. What is Bile Duct cancer and what are the types of Bile Duct cancer? Bile duct cancer is also known as Cholangiocarcinomas; a rare disease which occurs in people above the age of 50. In Bile Duct cancer, the cancer cells (malignant) form in the bile duct and in some cases spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body as well. Cholangiocarcinomas are of the following types: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Also known as a type of liver cancer, occurs in that part of the bile duct which is inside the liver. Hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Also known as perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, occurs in that part of the bile ducts that exit the liver. Distal cholangiocarcinoma: Distal cholangiocarcinoma occurs in that part of the bile duct that is nearest to the small intestine.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Bile Duct Cancer Fluctuations in moods like
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Categories: Health A-Z cancer is rare and may arise from cells within or around the bone. These cancer cells arise de novo (start from the beginning) and multiple aggressively to destroy the bone. The cancer cell may spread through blood circulation to multiple organs like the lung and may spread to other bones and tissues. These tumours grow to a large size and impair the function and may lead to death. Types of Bone Cancers Bone cancer is of different types based on the cell of origin. Common bone cancers may include: Osteosarcoma: In this type, the cancerous cells produce bone. It is also called as ‘Osteogenic Carcinoma’ because of the type of cells involved. Ewing’s Sarcoma: These tumours arise, most commonly, in the arms, legs or pelvis Both Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma is more common in children between the ages of 5 to 20 years. Cancers like Multiple Myeloma, Chondrosarcoma are more common in late adult and old age. Cancer arising from any part of the body like breast, thyroid, lung etc. may secondarily spread to the bone and these are called as Secondary (or Metastatic) Bone Cancers.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Bone Cancer is a rare but life-threatening condition caused due to toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum…
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Categories: Health A-Z stands for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Benign means "not cancer," and hyperplasia means…
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Categories: Health A-Z Neurology the last hundred years, medicine has seen advances that have not been witnessed in human history. As a result, today we are healthier and live longer than at any time in the past. Diseases such as smallpox that have killed millions have now been completely eradicated, thanks to vaccinations and the dreaded scourge of tuberculosis are now treated successfully with antibiotics. Healthy eating and active lifestyles have contributed to lower morbidity and mortality from diabetes, heart attacks and stroke. In this very optimistic healthcare environment however, there remains an outlier- a disease which even now has an overtly grim outlook – primary brain cancer. Tumours of the brain can affect children and adults and are of several types. Tumours of the meninges, or the covering of the brain, are usually benign and is now completely curable by surgery. Tumours in children may be cancerous or benign but in general, have a far better prognosis than cancer that affects adults. In adults, however, tumours that start from glial cells (these are cells in the brain and support and nourish the nerve cells), also known as gliomas have, in general, a very poor outcome. Gliomas are graded on a scale of 1-4 depending on the ‘degree’ of malignancy and glioblastoma (Grade 4) is the most common and has the worst outcome. Glioblastomas affect 5 in 100,000 people, has a dismal median survival of 9-14 months with best available treatment. All is not lost, however, and the push to find a cure for this dreadful disease has never been greater than in the last 10 years. All cancers are caused by the unregulated proliferation of cells that bypass the checks and balances that usually exist to stop the uncontrolled multiplication of cells. This proliferation is usually triggered by a mutation (change) in the genetic code. The mutation may affect one gene (as seen in certain blood cancers) or many genes, as seen in brain and colon cancers.
Categories: Brain Cancer brain lesion is a damaged area in the
Categories: Health A-Z cancer or tumors is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. Malignant tumors can grow and spread aggressively to distant parts of the body as well. Tumors that do not spread or invade nearby tissue are called benign. Benign tumors are less harmful as compared to malignant ones, but a benign tumor can cause problems in the brain by pressing on nearby tissue. Brain tumors that originate in brain cells are called primary brain tumors. The most common primary brain tumors are gliomas, meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, vestibular schwannomas, and primitive neuroectodermal tumors (medulloblastomas). The term glioma includes glioblastomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and ependymomas. Metastatic or secondary brain tumors spread to the brain from other tumors.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Brain Tumor brain tumour is an abnormal growth of cells (mass of unnecessary cells) in the brain, which upon enlargement exerts pressure on normal brain tissue and vital nerves inside the skull leading to a set of symptoms and signs. Brain tumours vary in terms of location, type of tissue involved and their degree of malignancy. There are two types of primary brain tumours: Benign Tumours (Non-cancerous, slow-growing or less aggressive) and Malignant Tumours (cancerous, fast-growing or more aggressive). Some of the brain tumours are schwannomas, meningiomas, pituitary acoustic neuromas, adenomas and gliomas. Brain tumours can be metastatic – secondary spread from cancers elsewhere in the body.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Brain Tumour If you are one of those stu
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Categories: Health A-Z Oncology cancer is the second largest cancer occurring in Indian women. It has been estimated that 1 in 20 women will be affected by breast cancer sometime in their life. Breast cancer is a malignant tumour, which begins in the cells of the breast. It is found mostly in women, but men can also get affected. Breast Cancer Like all types of cancer, breast cancer is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Breast cancer generally starts in a small, confined area in the glands that produce milk or the ducts that carry it to the nipple. This can grow bigger in the breast and spread through the bloodstream to the other organs or through lymphatic channels to nearby lymph nodes. The cancer may grow and attack tissue like the chest wall or skin around the breast. There are different types of breast cancer. And, they grow and spread at different rates. While some take years to spread outside the breast tissue, others grow and spread very fast. Types of Breast Cancer Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) Angiosarcoma Inflammatory breast cancer Male breast cancer Invasive lobular carcinoma Paget’s disease of the breast Recurrent breast cancer
Categories: Breast Cancer milk jaundice is a type of jaund
Categories: Health A-Z is mastalgia? Breast pain is also known as mastalgia (in medical terminology) may affect close to 70% of women in their lifetime. It is normal for women to have pain for 2-3 days before their menstrual period or may last for more than 5 days. It can be so bad it is not comfortable to wear a dress or to be hugged. Pain can be in one breast or both or maybe not related to periods at all. In about 8% of these women, the pain will be severe and interfere with their normal activities. Three main types of breast pain: Cyclical – pain is related to the menstrual period and may start before the onset of bleeding (premenstrual mastalgia). This may reduce with the onset of bleeding or may continue for the duration of periods. Non-cyclical – The pain does not change with the menstrual period. It may be there all the time or it may come and go without a pattern. Chest wall pain – This is not true breast pain but affects the muscles and other tissues beneath the breast.
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Categories: Health A-Z is an advanced stage of scarring or fibrosis of the liver and is usually caused if the liver is already...
Categories: Palate/ lip usually occurs when t
Categories: Health A-Z WHAT IS COLON CANCER? A. Colon is the last part of human digestive system which prepares the stool before presenting it to the Rectum (ending of the alimentary tract) to expel it out. Cancer that occurs in this part of the intestine is called colon cancer. Also Read About: Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome Q. HOW DOES COLON CANCER DEVELOP? A. It usually develops from polyps that arise from cells that form the inner lining layer of the colon
Categories: A-Z Diseases Colon Cancer blindness is also known as 'color deficiency' and 'poor color vision'. It happens when the pigments...
Categories: cancer, also called rectal cancer, bowel cancer, or colon cancer, is cancer that affects the colon as well as the rectum. Both Colon & Rectum are parts of the large intestine. Colorectal cancer has a very high prevalence and is among the second most common malignancy diagnosed, 1 in 18 people, after Breast cancer. Colorectal cancer tends to affect both men and women. However, men tend to develop it at a younger age.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Colorectal Cancer colorectal polyp is a small clump of cells that develop on the inner lining of the colon. Colorectal polyps are harmless...
Categories: Coma is a term people
Categories: Health A-Z Cardiac Dysfunction/Arrest is pro
Categories: Cardiology Men's Health Women's Health Are the Possible Causes of Your Ank
Categories: General Health cold is a viral infection of the respiratory tract mostly affecting the nose and the throat. It is generally...
Categories: fact, acute neurological illness is one of the common causes for admission in the emergency. There are a number...
Categories: spine forms the primary support stru
Categories: Healthy Living Living Healthy Neurology Ortho Care block or AV Bundle Block is a disturbance in the heart’s electrical system. In heart block, your heart beats irregularly and very slowly, possibly stopping for about 20 seconds at a time. This can be because of an obstruction, disruption or delay along the pathway the electrical impulses travel through to make your heart beat. This condition can be due to damage or an injury to the heart valves or heart muscle. While heart block itself does not generally require direct treatment, the underlying related health conditions do. Normally, heart block causes palpitations, lightheadedness and fainting. There can be chest pain too. Depending on its severity, heart block can be dangerous. For example, a complete heart block (third-degree heart block) can make pre-existing conditions like heart failure even worse. It may lead to unconsciousness and even sudden cardiac arrest. What is Heart Block? Heart block is a disruption of the heart’s electrical impulses. A healthy person’s heart beats at around 60 – 100 times in a minute. A heartbeat means one contraction of the heart muscle that pushes blood around our body. Typically, heart muscle contractions are controlled by electrical impulses that travel from the heart’s upper chambers or the atria to the lower chambers or the ventricles. A partial heart block can occur when the electrical impulses are delayed or stopped partially, preventing regular beats of your heart. A complete heart block happens when the electrical signals are disrupted or stopped completely. This may result in a drop in your heartbeat to approximately 40 times a minute. Even changes to impulses for just a fraction of second can lead to heart block. At times, a heart block makes it hard for our heart to pump blood through our circulatory system properly. This results in a reduced supply of oxygen to our muscles and organs (including the brain), impairing their functions. Types of Heart Block Heart block is of three types, namely: First-degree heart block: Minor heartbeat disturbances like skipped heartbeats. First-degree heart block is not a very serious type of heart block and usually does not need treatment. Second-degree heart block: This happens when some electrical signals do not reach your heart, causing skipped or dropped heartbeats. You may feel giddy, and may also need a pacemaker. As the atrial impulse does not reach the ventricles, the ventricle may not contract. Complete heart block or third-degree heart block: This happens when electrical signals do not travel between the lower and upper chambers of our heart. Complete heart block is very common in heart disease patients. Individuals with complete heart block have a serious risk of a heart attack without a pacemaker. Complete Heart Block Complete heart block may result from the damage of the atrioventricular node (AV node) during surgery. However, sometimes it may also occur spontaneously, without surgery. To restore a normal heart rhythm or rate, an artificial pacemaker is needed.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Complete Heart Block science has come far in recent y
Categories: A to Z Test Alternate Medicine General Health General Medicine Health & Fitness Living Healthy concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that is caused by a blow to the head, neck or upper body which...
Categories: are 150,000-200,000 children born each year with congenital heart disease in India. Many will die undiagnosed...
Categories: are birth defects in the heart? Birth defects in the heart or Congenital Heart Diseases are a group of gross structural abnormality in the heart that is present at birth and manifest at any stage immediately after birth or during childhood. How common are Congenital Heart Diseases? Out of every 1000 new-born, about 8 neonates are born with Congenital Heart Diseases. As the most commonly occurring congenital disorder, Congenital Heart Disease is responsible for 28% of all congenital diseases. With this incidence, about 1.35million babies are born with Congenital Heart Disease every year globally. What are the types of Congenital Heart Disease? There are various types of congenital heart diseases but are broadly divided into two categories as cyanotic and acyanotic heart diseases. The babies with cyanotic heart diseases present with severe cyanosis (bluish discolouration of the body) and acyanotic presents without cyanosis. Acyanotic diseases represent almost 2/3rd of total congenital heart diseases.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Congenital heart disease Congenital Insensitivity to
Categories: Health A-Z failure is quite different from a heart attack. Heart failure is not a disease by itself but a constellation of various signs...
Categories:, also known as pink eye, is an infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva ...
Categories: When a patient suffers from
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z dermatitis is an itchy rash that occurs when skin comes in contact with irritable substances. It leads to a skin...
Categories: dermatitis is a form of eczema t
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Categories: Health A-Z you or your loved ones keep coughing
Categories: Pulmonology Artery Disease (CAD) is a major killer heart disease in both men and women. CAD is a disease in...
Categories: Artery Bypass Grafting or CABG as it is more popularly known is probably the most commonly...
Categories: is a common condition that aff
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care Cardiology Healthy Living Marathi vernacular Vernacular Blogs Heart Diseases(CHD) are the m
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Categories: Ortho Care Three layers of a protectiv
Categories: Health A-Z Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) i
Categories: Health A-Z there is a high level of the hormone cortisol in the body for long periods of time, one can develop a metabolic...
Categories: fibrosis is an inherited disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system causing them serious damage...
Categories:, popularly known as Tapeworm [Taenia solium] infection, is a very common disease where the...
Categories: By definition, a cystoc
Categories: Health A-Z storm is a physiological respo
Categories: Pulmonology A tendon is a kind of fibro
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Categories: Health A-Z Degenerative disc disease (
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care Dehydration occurs wher
Categories: Health A-Z is a medical term used for so
Categories: A to Z Test ENT In delirium the brain trips and
Categories: Cardiology Neurology Delusional disorder, previo
Categories: Health A-Z The word ‘dementia’ describ
Categories: Kids Health Neurologyडेंग्यूचा ताप -
Categories: Marathi vernacular Vernacular Blogs first few spells of rainfall in Hyderabad has led to a rise of Dengue Fever in the city.
Categories: Dengue dental abscess is a pocket of pus usually caused by a bacterial infection. The abscess can occur at different...
Categories: develops when food containing sugars and starches, such as milk, cola, raisins, cakes, or chocolates ...
Categories: is a common and serious menta
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Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z deviated septum occurs as a result of the thin wall known as the nasal septum between the nasal passages...
Categories: Ravi Sankar ErukulapatiMBBS, MRCP (
Categories: Diabetic care General Health General Medicine Health A-Z Insipidus is a very uncommon disorder which causes an imbalance of water in the body leading...
Categories: You have two kidneys, each of w
Categories: Uncategorized Diaper rash is a common
Categories: Health A-Z Your kidneys are small in size
Categories: General Health is a disease that is caus
Categories: Health A-Z A tumor is a lump of abnormal t
Categories: Breast Cancer Oncology scleroderma is a disease that hardens
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z Healthy Living is a severe bacterial illness affecting the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. It is very unusual...
Categories: balanced diet containing all types of
Categories: Health A-Z Dissociative identity disor
Categories: Health A-Z is caused as a result of diverticula - small, bulging pouches that form in the lining of your digestive system...
Categories: is a condition in which pouches called diverticula appear on the wall of the large intestine (colon)...
Categories: the Mystery of Sudden Cardi
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z Diabetes is a metabolic disease
Categories: Cardiology Diabetic care syndrome is a genetic disorder arising out of abnormal cell division and results in additional genetic...
Categories: or popularly known as Guineaworm disease is an infection caused by drinking contaminated water...
Categories: drug allergy is an abnormal reaction of your immune system to a medication. Any kind of medication such as...
Categories: order to understand drug withdrawal, we must first understand the concept of drug addiction, or for that matter...
Categories: you feel full after having a stomach
Categories: Gastro Care Dust allergy (also called d
Categories: Allergic Reactions General Medicine Health A-Z is an intestinal inflammation that usually takes place in the in the colon, and can result in severe diarrhoea...
Categories: considered a disease of the mo
Categories: General Medicine is a learning disorder distinguished by difficulty in reading owing to trouble in recognizing speech...
Categories: intercourse or dyspareunia is t
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z Multiple disorders ma
Categories: Health A-Z coli (E.coli), present in t
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z otitis media is a term that refer
Categories: ENT Health A-Z is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of our abdomen — just beneath the liver. Galbladder stores bile, a digestive fluid that is produced by liver. Gallbladder and bile duct cancers are rare and chances for their cure are high only when discovered at an earlier stage.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Gall Bladder Cancer are the female reproductive glan
Categories: Living Healthy Men's Health Women's Health virus causes hemorrhagic fevers an illness identified with severe bleeding (hemorrhage), organ failure...
Categories: Ectopia Cordis (EC) is a ra
Categories: Health A-Z ectopic pregnancy occurs when a normal fertilized egg implants anywhere other than the main space of the uterus...
Categories: The term "eczema" is deriv
Categories: Derma Care Kids Health Men's Health Women's Health Syndrome depicts a group of birth defects due to the presence of added genetic material from chromosome...
Categories: Electrolytes are chemical s
Categories: General Health Health A-Z embolic stroke occurs when a blood clot that forms in the body breaks loose and travels to the brain via the bloodstream...
Categories: Empty Sella Syndrome (ESS)
Categories: Health A-Z is swelling of the brain which is a condition caused due to viral infection. Severe cases of encephalitis...
Categories: can be defined as a disease that affects the function or structure of your brain. There are many types...
Categories: Encephalopathy is a c
Categories: Health A-Z Endocarditis is termed as infla
Categories: Endocarditis cancer originates in the uterus. The uterus is the concave, pear-shaped pelvic organ in women where fetal...
Categories: polyps or uterine polyps are growths attached to the interior wall of the uterus that expand into the uterine...
Categories: is a condition in which tissue that usually lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) develops outside...
Categories: Endometriosis occurs when t
Categories: Health A-Z enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) is a s
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z are white blood cells that
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z is the inflammation of the
Categories: Men's Health Uro care occurs when the epiglottis (a small cartilage lid covering your windpipe), swells, blocking airflow...
Categories: Epilepsy is a neurological (central nervous system) disorder.
Categories: Epilepsy dysfunction, more commonly known as impotence, can be defined as an inability to get and keep an erection firm...
Categories: cancer occurs in the esophagus, which is a long, hollow tube that runs from the throat to the stomach....
Categories: varices which occur mostly in people with serious liver malfunction, is a life-threatening condition of abnormal...
Categories: Essential tremor is a neuro
Categories: Health A-Z of the blood vessels in the walls of the anus and rectum is known as piles or hemorrhoids. These blood vessels act as shock absorbers for defecation throughout the body. This causes hemorrhoids, which are one of the leading causes of rectal bleeding. What Is Piles? The word hemorrhoid is derived from the Greek word “hemorrhoids,” meaning veins liable to discharge blood. It is commonly seen in the age group of 45-65 years. Piles are hemorrhoids swollen inside and around the lining of your buttocks or anal lining. They usually get better on their own after a few days. There are several ways for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. The question remains, what causes piles? There are many reasons for hemorrhoids, which increase the pressure on the blood vessels that supply the anus and rectum, causing them to swell. Also Read About: Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome The cause of hemorrhoids is unknown. A few factors that cause hemorrhoids are constipation, the increased pressure on the blood vessels during pregnancy and sustained weight gain, persistent diarrhea and prolonged sitting on the toilet, straining to lift heavy objects. They may reduce within 1-2 weeks, but if persistent symptoms like rectal bleeding occur, a physician must be consulted immediately. Itching and discomfort can also be seen in a few patients. Typically it is not always associated with symptoms like pain and rectal bleeding.
Categories: Piles anal abscess is a painful condition
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z spondylitis and lumbar spondyl
Categories: Neurology Ortho Care COPD stands for Chronic Obs
Categories: Health A-Z disease, also known as Erythema I
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Categories: COVID-19 Health A-Z Ductus Arteriosus or PDA is a he
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z Kids Health is Pulmonary Fibrosis? Pulmonar
Categories: Health A-Z, also known as dermatophytosis
Categories: Health A-Z are swollen veins in the lo
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z Ewing sarcoma is a rare bon
Categories: Health A-Z (also known as piles) are b
Categories: Health A-Z developing in children below
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care procedure by which fat tissue passes into the bloodstream and settles within a blood vessel. In general...
Categories: is the liver important? The largest internal organ in the body, the liver is absolutely vital for survival. It has a lot of vital functions: Produces bile, a mixture of chemicals, which aids digestion. Helps break down food to turn it into energy. Removes harmful substances from the blood, helping fight infection. Makes chemicals that are important for blood clotting. Stores iron, vitamins, and other essential substances. What is Fatty Liver Disease? Accumulation of extra fat in the liver is called Fatty Liver Disease. Excessive drinking of alcohol is considered to be the most common cause of fatty liver. However, the fatty liver also occurs in patients who are teetotalers or drink very little alcohol. This is called Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Who is likely to have Fatty Liver? Fatty liver usually develops in people who are overweight, have diabetic diet, high cholesterol or high triglycerides. Poor eating habits with a diet rich in fats and sugars also cause fatty liver. Certain individuals develop a fatty liver even if they do not show any risk factors. It affects nearly 10 percent of the population.
Categories: Fatty Liver Disease are Febrile Seizures? Febrile s
Categories: Health A-Z Do you experience a burning sen
Categories: General Health When a pregnant woman drink
Categories: Health A-Z are solid, non-cancerous (usually painless) breast tumours occurring in adolescent girls and women...
Categories: is a condition that affects the muscles and soft tissue. It is a common and complex chronic pain disorder...
Categories:, also commonly known as sle
Categories: General Health Health Tips Healthy Living Kids Health Living Healthy poisoning is caused by consumption of germ-infested and contaminated food. Infectious organisms - including...
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Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z is an injury that occurs by freezing of the skin and tissues beneath. The skin turns out to be very cold...
Categories: Video gallbladder is a small, oblong organ on the right part of the abdomen, just underneath the liver. The gallbladder...
Categories: are toughened deposits of digestive juices that can form in the gallbladder. Gallstones vary in...
Categories: cysts are non-cancerous lumps that most commonly develop along the tendons or joints of wrists or hands....
Categories: is the death of body tissue due to a lack of blood flow or a bacterial infection affecting your toes, fingers...
Categories: Gas gangrene is a deadly form o
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z is a collection of conditions with one thing in common: swelling and inflammation of the lining of the stomach...
Categories: gastroenteritis (often called stomach flu) is an intestinal infection characterized by runny diarrhea...
Categories: Gastrointestinal fistula (GIF)
Categories: Gastro Care Herpes is a sexually transmitted
Categories: General Health General Medicine Health A-Z Healthy Living Living Healthy is an infectious disease that occurs in the small intestine. Giardia is a tiny microscopic parasitic organism...
Categories: can be defined as a common and mild form of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. This condition...
Categories: Stromal Tumors (GISTs)
Categories: Cancer care Critical Care Gastro Care Health A-Z Healthy Living Oncology is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is vital to vision. This damage is often caused by...
Categories: Glioblastoma is a rar
Categories: Health A-Z Goiter is a condition of th
Categories: Health A-Z thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, just below the Adam's apple. Goitre is an...
Categories: Also known as the 'clap' or 'drip', gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae...
Categories: is gonorrhea? Gonorrhea, otherw
Categories: Infectious Disease is a complex form of arthritis characterised by sudden and severe attacks of pain, soreness and tenderness...
Categories: It is a form of arthritis t
Categories: Health A-Z' disease also called toxic diffuse goiter or Flajani-Basedow-Graves disease is an autoimmune disease that causes...
Categories:' disease is an autoimmune disorde
Categories: Diseases Conditions All pregnant women want the
Categories: Health A-Z syndrome or GBS is a rare disorder in which the body's immune system attacks the nerves with...
Categories: Health A-Z is a rare genetic condition of spontaneous deep bleeding, where the blood doesn't clot normally because...
Categories: toe is a foot deformity caused b
Categories: Health A-Z Pediatrician Pulmonary Syndrome, is an in
Categories: Diseases Conditions Health A-Z Infectious Disease Injury is a general term used to describe any trauma to the head, and most specifically to the brain itself....
Categories: is one of the most common medical conditions that affect everyone at some point in their lives. The main symptom of a headache is a pain in the head or face that can be throbbing, constant, sharp, or dull. Doctors treat headache pain with medicines, stress management, and biofeedback. How common are headaches in adults? Headache is one of the most common conditions in the world that causes throbbing pain. About 75% of adults worldwide have a headache in a year. Headaches are a major reason for absenteeism from work and school. It also affects the social and family life of the patient. For some people, continuously battling headaches may result in anxiety and depression. Headache Types More than 150 different types of headaches fall into three main categories – primary headaches, secondary headaches, and cranial neuralgias. Primary Headaches – A primary headache is not a symptom of an underlying illness but a result of problems involving the head and neck structures. Stress and disruptions in sleep patterns are often the cause of these headaches. Secondary Headaches – Secondary headaches typically have an underlying illness associated with them, such as sinus headaches that occur when the pressure or infection in the sinuses increases. A migraine is one of the forms of headache with throbbing pain and typically occurs on one side of the head. It is often triggered by stress, hormones, sound, environment, and many other factors. Women are more commonly affected than men. If a headache persists for a prolonged time and is associated with symptoms such as neck stiffness, fever, vomiting, vision changes, changes in sensations on one side of the body. In that case, it may be due to the development of serious infections. 3. Cranial Neuralgia’s: The pain that occurs in the face and other headaches include rebound headaches. When a person overuses medication then the patient experiences rebound headaches. It occurs when frequent use of pain medications leads to persistent headaches. Types of primary and secondary headaches: The common types of primary headaches include: Cluster headaches – these headaches generally last between 15 minutes and 3 hours and may occur one to eight times a day. They may frequently arise for 4–12 weeks and then disappear. Cluster headaches tend to occur at around the same time each day. Migraine – migraine is a headache that might cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, generally on one side of the head. New daily persistent headaches (NDPH) begin suddenly and last for more than three months. It generally occurs in people with infrequent headaches before the onset of NDPH. Tension headaches –cause mild to moderate pain and frequently occur over time. Certain types of secondary headaches include: Medication overuse headaches – also known as rebound headaches, it occurs in people who take medications to treat their headaches frequently. Sinus headaches – are caused due to a sinus infection that leads to congestion and inflammation in the sinuses. Spinal headaches – are caused due to low pressure or volume of cerebrospinal fluid. It is due to the spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak, spinal tap, or spinal anaesthesia. Thunderclap headaches – are excruciating and begin suddenly. Thunderclap headaches cause intense pain within 1 minute and last at least 5 minutes. Are headaches hereditary? Headaches tend to run in families, particularly migraines. Children suffering from migraines have at least one parent who also has them. Children whose parents suffer from migraines are up to four times more likely to develop them too. Headaches can also be triggered due to factors that are shared in a household, like: The consumption of certain foods or ingredients, like caffeine, alcohol, fermented foods, chocolate and cheese Passive smoking Exposure to allergens Strong odours from perfumes or household chemicals
Categories: Headache we hear the word emergency, one of the most striking associations we tend to make is with chest pain...
Categories: attack is a raging topic in India as we Indians are genetically prone to coronary artery disease. The public perception is to label any issue of the heart as a “heart attack”. Heart disease that afflicts children is quite different from that of adults and most of these conditions can be permanently rectified. The heart primarily consists of 4 chambers and 2 major pipes feeding the right heart and 4 traversing back to the left heart. There are 4 valves. A major pipe exits from each major chamber (ventricle). A baby could be born with one or more of several heart diseases – holes with or without obstruction to pathways and valves, leaky valves, twisted pathways and pipes misdirected and underdeveloped chambers! The paediatric heart surgeon is thus faced with a myriad of presentations and many challenges to overcome. The last decade has seen a tremendous surge in the volume of paediatric cardiac surgeries with a noticeable increase in complexity of cases. The results are excellent due to a team-oriented multi-disciplinary approach of surgeons, cardiologists, anaesthetists, intensivists, perfusionists, nurses and paramedical staff.
Categories: Paediatric Heart Attack Cardiology Kids Health Marathi Vernacular Blogs failure is a progressive disorder in which damage to the heart results in the weakening of the patient’s cardiovascular efficiency.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Vernacular Blogs human heart beats around 100,000 times in a day and pumps about 5,000 gallons of blood through our body every day. Heart transplant surgery is reserved for those patients who did not respond to any other treatment or surgery. Heart transplant rejection occurs due to our defense mechanism which deals with the transplanted heart just like it opposes any virus or bacteria. The rejection can be handled with immunosuppressive medication, which one has to take lifelong. The dosage will be altered by the doctor as and when required. One should be aware of the signs of organ rejection in a heart transplant, to enable early management. What is heart transplant and why do you need a heart transplant? A heart transplant is a major surgery in which a failing or diseased heart is replaced with a healthy donor’s heart. In a heart transplant, the donor’s heart is procured from a person who is dead or declared brain dead. A patient is recommended for a heart transplant due to heart failure which is not responding to any other treatment options. Causes of heart failure in adults are due to: Cardiomyopathy, in which the heart muscles become weak, further leading to heart failure. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries due to build-up of fatty deposits or cholesterol. Heart valve not working properly. Abnormal heartbeats, which is not getting cured with any other treatment. Congenital heart defect (birth defect) Previous heart transplant failure. Causes of heart failure in children are due to: Congenital heart defect (birth defect) Cardiomyopathy What is heart transplant rejection? What are the types of heart rejection? The immune system of the human body seeks and destroys bacteria and viruses to keep us healthy. Unfortunately, the immune system considers the donor’s heart as a foreign substance and tries to attack it, which is known as heart transplant rejection. The first year of transplant is considered very critical from an organ rejection point of view. Post-transplant your doctor will prescribe medicines, which help prevent heart rejection and you will be continuously monitored for any rejection symptoms. Types of heart rejection: Acute Cellular Rejection: Acute Cellular Rejection is the most common form of heart transplant rejection which usually occurs in the first 3 to 6 months of a heart transplant. It is caused due to T-cells (which is part of our immune system) attacking the cells of a donor’s heart. Humoral Rejection: Humoral Rejection is generally seen after several months or years of a heart transplant, however, there are chances of its occurrence during the first month of the transplant. In this type of rejection, the antibodies damage the blood vessels in our body and in some cases coronary arteries are also damaged, hence affecting the blood flow to the heart. It is also known as acute antibody rejection. Coronary Artery Vasculopathy: This form of heart rejection affects the coronary arteries by thickening of the inner lining of blood vessels which will further reduce the blood flow to the heart. Coronary artery vasculopathy occurs in the long-term.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Heart Transplant Rejection is that burning sensation in our throat or chest that occurs when stomach acid rises up from our stomach into the mouth. Heartburn is a common symptom of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) also called Acid Reflux. Heartburn is generally triggered by your diet. Heavy or fatty or spicy food can cause heartburn or acid reflux. Alcohol coffee, carbonated drinks, chocolate, and tomatoes can also cause heartburn. Smoking Obesity and medications for hypertension and cancer are the causes of heartburn too. What is Heartburn? Heartburn is a burning pain felt often in the lower chest or upper abdomen and has nothing to do with your heart. It happens when stomach acid or food rises up into your food pipe, a pipe that connects your throat to your stomach. Most people experience heartburn frequently, especially after having a large meal or some fried or fatty foods, foods like chocolate or alcohol. Heartburn is also common in women during pregnancy as the uterus grows to put pressure on the stomach.
Categories: Heartburn is hemochromatosis? Hemochromat
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Hepatitis A is a highly tra
Categories: Health A-Z is the liver important? The largest internal organ in the body, the liver is absolutely vital for survival. It has a lot of vital functions: Produces bile, a mixture of chemicals, which aids digestion. Helps break down food to turn it into energy. Removes harmful substances from the blood, helping fight infection. Makes chemicals that are important for blood clotting. Stores iron, vitamins and other essential substances What is Hepatitis B? A viral infection of the liver, Hepatitis B is caused by HBV (Hepatitis B virus). It causes swelling of the liver and inflammation (acute hepatitis) and prevents the liver from working well. It may persist in the liver causing chronic hepatitis, and over many years can lead to cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer, and liver failure. How does one get Hepatitis B? The Hepatitis B virus is spread by contact with blood or other infectious body fluids. Adults get Hepatitis B through infected blood transfusion, contaminated needles and sexual transmission from a Hepatitis B infected partner. Usually, children get Hepatitis B from their mother during childbirth. Hepatitis B virus does not spread by water, air or food. Who is at risk of having Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is very common. About 2 to 3 percent of people in Asia have chronic Hepatitis B infection. Certain practices like reuse of needles and syringes in hospitals and clinics in the past, tattooing using unclean and contaminated needles, unregulated and unsafe blood transfusion have increased the risk of transmission of Hepatitis B. In view of the high prevalence of Hepatitis B, it is recommended that everyone should get tested for Hepatitis B infection by doing a simple blood test.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Hepatitis B B is an infectious disease cau
Categories: A-Z Diseases Hepatitis B C is the most common contagious, blood-borne viral liver disease. And, most individuals with hepatitis C do not realize that they actually have it. Spread by blood-to-blood contact, the disease also spreads primarily by the use of injectable drugs. While there are immunizations available against hepatitis A and B, unfortunately, it is not so for Hepatitis C. To avoid infection, it is important to avoid exposure to the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Read on to know more about this disease. Why is the liver important? The largest internal organ in the body, the liver is absolutely vital for survival. It has a lot of vital functions: Produces bile, a mixture of chemicals, which aids digestion. Helps break down food to turn it into energy. Removes harmful substances from the blood, helping fight infection. Makes chemicals that are important for blood clotting. Stores iron, vitamins and other essential substances. What is Hepatitis C? Liver disease caused by HCV (Hepatitis C virus) is called Hepatitis C. HCV causes inflammation of the liver and prevents it from working well. Generally, HCV leads to chronic or long-term infection of the liver. Unless successfully treated with medications, HCV can lead to scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), liver failure and liver cancer. What does not cause Hepatitis C? HCV does not spread by coughing, hugging, sneezing, or casual contact HCV does not spread by sharing utensils, water or food, or drinking glasses
Categories: Hepatitis C carcinoma (HCC) is the m
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Categories: Hernia is a common illness seen in children during summer. It is a viral infection caused by enteroviruses,...
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Categories: Health A-Z Hyperglycaemia is a condition w
Categories: Diabetic care General Health General Medicine Drinking adequate water is
Categories: General Health Health A-Z Hyperlordosis, also called
Categories: Health A-Z is a common condition of elevated triglyceride levels which is often caused or contributed by uncontrolled...
Categories: is a common condition in
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care Prohealth Characterised by abnormally low
Categories: Cardiology Diabetic care is a specific condition wh
Categories: Emergency General Medicine Health A-Z is one of the electrolytes re
Categories: Health A-Z means that the amount of s
Categories: Health A-Z is a condition in whic
Categories: Health A-Z A pituitary gland is a kidn
Categories: Health A-Z is a common medical conditio
Categories: Health Tips Healthy Living Kids Health Men's Health The hypothalamus is a
Categories: Health A-Z thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones & it is situated below Adam’s apple in the lower part of the neck. The gland is present around the windpipe (trachea) & it has a shape similar to a butterfly – formed by two wings (lobes) & attached by a middle part (isthmus). The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones by using iodine & most of it is available from the diet through foods like bread, seafood & salt. The two thyroid hormones that are produced by thyroid gland are thyroxine-tetra-iodothyronine or T4 & tri-iodothyronine or T3. T3 accounts for 1% & T4 accounts for 99% of thyroid hormones. Both are released into the blood after being secreted by the thyroid gland. The most biologically active form of hormone is T3. Once T4 is released into the blood from the thyroid gland, T4 is converted into T3, & this active hormone affects the metabolism of cells. When thyroid hormone production slows down, the body’s processes also slow down & change. Hypothyroidism will affect various systems of the body. Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid gland will not produce enough of thyroid hormones. Women, above 60 years of age, usually end up with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism causes an imbalance of chemical reactions in the body. If enough thyroid hormone is not produced in the bloodstream, the body’s metabolism slows down. Typical signs of an underactive thyroid are tiredness, weight gain & a feeling of depression. In the early stages, its symptoms are rare, but if left untreated, hypothyroidism leads to a number of health-related problems like heart disease, obesity, joint pain, infertility. It is a quite common condition affecting all age groups & races. However, women, especially older women are more prone to develop hypothyroidism than men. Thyroid function tests help to diagnose hypothyroidism. Treatment with synthetic thyroid hormone is usually simple, safe & effective. There are no preventive measures for an underactive thyroid. An underactive thyroid is either caused due to the immune system attacking the thyroid gland & causing damage to it or by damage to the thyroid that occurs during some treatments for an overactive thyroid or thyroid cancer. Both men & women can be affected by an underactive thyroid, but it is most common in women. In the western countries, it affects fifteen in every thousand women & one in a thousand men. Children can also develop an underactive thyroid. Around one in 3,500-4,000 babies are born with an underactive thyroid known as congenital hypothyroidism. The babies are screened for congenital hypothyroidism by taking blood spot test when the baby is about five days old.
Categories: Hypothyroidism means decreased muscle tone.
Categories: Health A-Z is a rare bleeding disorder wherein there is a low platelet count in the blood stream. Platelets play a big role in...
Categories: Immune thrombocytopenia is a co
Categories: General Medicine Kids Health is a very contagious skin infe
Categories: Health A-Z Spotting shortly after ovul
Categories: Gynaecology Care The senior sales manager of
Categories: Health A-Z Most individuals experience
Categories: Health A-Z bowel disease(IBD) is a gro
Categories: Liver care or sleeplessness is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or both, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. It affects millions of people across the world. The National Institute of Health estimates that nearly 30% of world population suffers sleep disruption and nearly 10% among them have daytime sleeping. What is Insomnia? Insomnia can impair psychosocial functioning and quality of life. Getting enough sleep is an important aspect of healthy lifestyle. An adult person needs at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep in a day. However, sleep patterns change with age. For instance, older adults may sleep less at night and take frequent naps during the day. Lack of sleep makes a person feel tired, depressed, and irritable. It also decreases concentration and reduces the ability of a person to perform his or her daily activities. Insomnia is associated with mood swings, irritability, and anxiety. It also increases the blood pressure and risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes. Every person experiences occasional episodes of insomnia that come and go without causing any serious problems. But, for some people, the episodes of insomnia last for months or years and have a significant impact on the quality of life. Insomnia is primarily diagnosed based on the sleep history of a patient. Polysomnography is a type of sleep study, which is performed only in patients with sleep disorders such as periodic limb movement disorder (PLMB) or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The treatment for insomnia includes a combination of medications, behavioral or psychological therapies, and lifestyle modification.
Categories: Insomnia An insulinoma is a small tu
Categories: Health A-Z Liver care World Health Organization (WHO) says
Categories: COVID-19 An intestinal obstructi
Categories: Health A-Z Bowel Syndrome (or IBS), is a
Categories: Health A-Z palsy (CP) refers to a group o
Categories: Health A-Z diabetes is a condition that
Categories: A to Z Test Alternate Medicine Critical Care Diabetic care Diseases Conditions Faq's Health Awareness Days Healthy Living is a condition that leads
Categories: Derma Care General Medicine Health A-Z’s disease is a disorder cause
Categories: Faq's General Health Health A-Z Living Healthy Men's Health Women's Health of Wegener's Granulomatosis
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z, also known as icterus, is the yellowish pigmentation of skin and sclera of the eyes and mucous membranes due to high bilirubin levels in the body. The word Jaundice is derived from a French word called “jaunisse”, meaning “yellow disease”. The yellowish discolouration is due to Bilirubin (a fluid secreted by the liver). Breakdown of RBC’s, leads to the formation of Bilirubin in our body. Bilirubin is normally metabolized in the liver and excreted in the bile from our body. The disruption in the metabolism, production or excretion of Bilirubin leads to deposits of an excess amount of bile in the body, causing Jaundice. Due to their high elastin content, the white of the eye has a particular affinity towards Bilirubin. Serum bilirubin would be at least 3 mg/dL in scleral icterus.
Categories: Jaundice Esophageal varices are abn
Categories: Gastro Care Liver care Pulmonology is Klebsiella pneumoniae infection
Categories: Health A-Z are responsible for carrying
Categories: General Health Kids Health Men's Health Women's Health knee Arthritis is one o
Categories: Arthritis Health A-Z Ortho Care is the white, flexible but firm connective tissue, which covers the ends of the bones. Cartilage provides a smooth cushion, letting the bones of the joint to move effortlessly without painful contact. Although cartilage is tough, it can be damaged either suddenly due to an injury or degenerate from general wear and tear or due to any infection or inflammatory disease.
Categories: Knee Cartilage Injury As the temperatures slowly
Categories: Health A-Z is not a disease that affects
Categories: Gastro Care Among the many conditions t
Categories: Health A-Z Langerhans cell histiocytos
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Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z is Lipoma? A lipoma is generally de
Categories: Derma Care There are many medical cond
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z is leprosy? The bacterium, Myco
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z is a bacterial disease caused by exposure to dirty water during the season of rains and by coming...
Categories: Leptospirosis is a bacteria
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z caused to the tooth, leading to a
Categories: ENT Kids Health fibrosis or CF is a hereditary c
Categories: Pulmonology The tissue situated at the
Categories: Health A-Z fat is something that nobody wa
Categories: Women's Health lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump of harmless mass that is not cancer and most often situated between...
Categories: is a severe food-borne bacteri
Categories: Health A-Z growth and spread of unhealthy cells in the liver is called Liver cancer. If Cancer begins in the liver, it is called primary liver cancer. However, if Cancer spreads to the liver from other organs like colon, stomach, pancreas, breast cancer, etc. is called metastatic or secondary liver cancer. Is liver tumor different from liver cancer? Any node or mass inside the liver is called a liver tumor. Liver tumors can be non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). The most common type of cancer that originates in the liver is known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).
Categories: Liver Cancer Muralidhar Nambada MS (General), DNB
Categories: Cancer care Cardiology Liver care Oncology liver is the largest organ within the human body. It has many vital functions. It produces bile, a mixture of chemicals, which helps in digestion and also helps in breaking down food to convert it into energy. It also removes harmful substances from the blood and helps in fighting infection. It makes chemicals that are important for blood clotting. It stores iron, vitamins and other essential substances. The liver is necessary for survival and there is currently no way that a person can survive without the liver. What is cirrhosis? The normal liver has a smooth surface and is soft in consistency. Cirrhosis is a condition where the liver is scarred – replacing the soft healthy tissue with hard scar tissue. Liver functions become difficult as cirrhosis becomes worse. What causes cirrhosis? Chronic, long-term liver diseases that damage the liver causes Cirrhosis. Generally, it takes many years for liver damage to lead to cirrhosis. Common causes of cirrhosis are alcohol, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, fatty liver disease and certain genetic diseases. How does alcohol damage the liver? Chronic alcohol use is the leading cause of cirrhosis in India. Excessive alcohol causes the liver to get inflamed, which over time, can lead to cirrhosis. Even small quantities of alcohol, if taken over a prolonged period of time, can lead to significant liver damage.
Categories: Liver Cirrhosis Liver cysts are fluid-fille
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z is the liver important? The largest internal organ in the body, the liver is absolutely vital for survival. It has a lot of vital functions: Produces bile, a mixture of chemicals, which aids digestion. Helps break down food to turn it into energy. Removes harmful substances from the blood, helping fight infection. Makes chemicals that are important for blood clotting. Stores iron, vitamins, and other essential substances. Liver failure occurs when large parts of the liver become damaged beyond repair and the liver is no longer able to function. Liver failure is a life-threatening condition that demands urgent medical care. Most often, liver failure occurs gradually and over many years. However, a more rare condition known as acute liver failure occurs rapidly (in as little as 48 hours) and can be difficult to detect initially.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Liver Failure Long QT Syndrome is a disorder
Categories: Kids Health symptoms can sometimes persist
Categories: COVID-19 is present in your red blood
Categories: Health A-Z injury, pain, muscle weakness, tingling and numbness that results in an irritated, inflamed or a compressed...
Categories: is a systemic autoimmune disease
Categories: COVID-19 Filariasis (commonly known as elephantiasis and abbreviated as LF) is caused by a parasitic thin worm...
Categories: Lymphatic Filariasis, also kno
Categories: General Health General Medicine Living Healthy Lymphatic Filariasis refers to the increase in
Categories: Health A-Z A group of more than 50 rar
Categories: Health A-Z is a life-threatening disease transmitted by a mosquito bite. The causative organism is a parasite called Plasmodium. While the disease is rare in temperate climates, malaria is still prevalent in tropical & subtropical countries. It is transmitted to humans by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. There are five different types of malaria-causing parasites that can affect humans. When the mosquito bites, the parasite is released into the bloodstream. Inside the body, parasites travel to the liver, where they develop and mature. After several days, the mature parasites enter the bloodstream & begin to infect RBC’s. In 48 to 72 hours, the parasites grow inside the RBC’s, causing the infected cells to burst open. The parasites continue to infect other RBC’s, resulting in symptoms that occur in cycles that last two to three days at a time. These symptoms include recurrent attacks of chills & fever. In rare situations, malaria is transmitted from the mother to the unborn child during pregnancy, by blood transfusions, or when intravenous-drug users share needles. Worldwide approximately 6,60,000 are killed due to malaria each year. The increase in international travel and migration of population, the risk has increased in areas where it does not commonly occur. It is very common in developing countries, areas with high humidity & moderate temperatures. These include parts of Central & South America, Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Africa, Eastern Europe, and South & Southeast Asia. The deadliest types of malaria are more common in Africa. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year 300-500 million cases of malaria occur & more than 1 million people die of malaria, particularly in developing countries. Most of the deaths are of young children. In Africa, a child dies from malaria every 30 seconds. Because malaria causes severe illness & death, the disease causes a drain on national economies. The disease maintains a vicious cycle of disease & poverty in the poorer nations.
Categories: Malaria and Abhishek Goyal were married fo
Categories: Healthy Living Men's Health Women's Health Mania is a period of
Categories: Health A-Z Marburg virus disease (MVD)
Categories: Health A-Z or rubeola is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system. Measles is a very contagious disease can spread through contact with infected mucus or saliva. An infected person can release the infection into the atmosphere through their cough or sneeze. The measles virus can live on surfaces for several hours. When the infected particles enter the air & settle on surfaces, anyone nearby can get infected. Drinking from an infected person’s glass or sharing eating utensils with an infected person increases your risk of infection. Measles is also a cause of death among children. Of the 114,900 global deaths related to measles in 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the majority were below the age of 5. The number of measles cases in the US has significantly dropped in recent years due to immunizations. However, the disease has not been fully eliminated. There were 189 cases of measles in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). If the person has any doubt of having measles, he must contact the doctor immediately. If the person has not received a measles vaccine & has contact with an infected person, visit the doctor to get measles vaccine within 72 hours of contact to prevent infection. The person can also prevent infection if immunoglobulin is taken within six days of contact with an infected person.
Categories: Measles infection in any part of the urinary
Categories: Men's Health Nephrology Uro care Women's Health is the first stool the newborn
Categories: Health A-Z is a specific kind of skin canc
Categories: Cancer care is stored in different parts of your memory. Information stored in the short-term memory may include...
Categories: is a tumor that forms in the meninges around the brain and rarely in the region of the spinal cord....
Categories: The human brain is protecte
Categories: Health A-Z is described as heavy bleedi
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health Tips Kids Health Living Healthy Uro care is Microcephaly? Microcephaly i
Categories: Health A-Z migraine is a neurological condition or disorder which is characterized by severe headaches, usually giving a throbbing or pulsating feeling on either one or both sides of one’s head. The headache will be accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, speaking difficulties, numbness or tingling, and light and sound sensitivity. Studies say that Migraine is the sixth most disabling disease in the world. It could be genetic and can affect people of almost all ages. In young children, migraine goes undiagnosed as it is misunderstood to be a common headache or weakness. The duration of migraine varies between individuals. Most of the attacks last for a minimum of 4 hours. If an attack of a migraine lasts longer than three days, it has to be treated in a hospital setting. What does Migraine feel like? Migraine feels different to different people A one-sided headache Pulsating or throbbing pain Moderate to severe pain Worsening of pain during movement (walking, climbing stairs) Sensitivity to sound and light Nausea with or without vomiting or diarrhea Migraine usually lasts for about four hours. If they are not treated it can last for a week. What are the types of Migraines? Classic Migraine/Migraine with Aura: This occurs with specific warning signs before the attack begins. It is seen in 25% of people with migraine. It is also termed a complicated migraine. An aura is the initial phase of the migraine attack accompanied by distinct symptoms like flashing lights, loss of vision, dizziness, confusion, and weakness. Migraine without aura: This occurs without any warning signs and is the most common type. Migraine without headache: The symptoms of aura occur but the person does not develop a headache. This is also known as silent migraine. Hemiplegic migraine: The onset of this kind of migraine is marked by hemiplegia or temporary paralysis. The person can experience temporary numbness, weakness, tingling sensation, or dizziness. Retinal Migraine: Also called ocular migraine. The person may feel a partial or complete loss of vision in one of the eyes, which can last from a few minutes to a few months, in worst cases. It is imperative to approach a doctor if one is experiencing this. Chronic Migraine: A chronic migraine is one that occurs 10 to 15 days a month. The severity of pain may differ on different days. Migraine with brainstem aura: This migraine shows symptoms like slurred speech, loss of balance, and double vision before the onset of the headache. Usually, the headache appears on the backside of one’s head and with an inability to speak properly. Status migrainosus: This is a relatively rare migraine that lasts for more than 72 hours with extremely bad nausea and headache. This migraine is usually caused by some medications or as a withdrawal effect of medications. What is an Aura? Aura refers to a set of symptoms or warning signals which can occur before the onset of a migraine. These can be sensory, motor, or speech symptoms which can last for 10 to 60 minutes. Aura symptoms include blind spots in vision, speech changes, temporary loss of vision, changes in smell or taste, tingling sensation etc. Studies report that aura symptoms are experienced by 15 to 20 percent of people with migraines and are reversible/ be healed.
Categories: Migraine You may be surprised to fin
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Categories: Health A-Z is a deadly disease that attacks the nerves and muscles of the body. It starts off as a skin wound contaminated by...
Categories: is a cancer most common in children under 5 or younger which triggers from groups of immature nerve...
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Categories: Health A-Z is a genetic condition that usually causes benign (non-cancerous) tumors or malignant(cancerous) tumors...
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Categories: loss or Osteopenia occurs when the body does not create a new bone as quickly as the old bone…
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Categories: Health A-Z abnormal growth or remodelling of the bone in the middle ear and thereby disrupting the ability of sound travel...
Categories: Poison ivy rash is an allergic reactio
Categories: Healthy Living An ovarian cyst is a so
Categories: Health A-Z hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS
Categories: Health A-Z's disease is a bone illness that
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care fractures are minute cracks in y
Categories: Ortho Care of pancreatic cancer in India are
Categories: Cancer care Health A-Z Your heart rate, blood pres
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Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Paranoid schizophrenia is c
Categories: Health A-Z is a spinal cord injury that paralyses the lower limbs. It is a result of severe damage to the spinal cord...
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Categories: A-Z Diseases Parkinson’s Disease ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition in newborns of a persistent opening, called the ductus arteriosus...
Categories: (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical condition in women, where the ovaries produce multiple immature eggs which, over time, become cysts on the ovaries.
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z Health A-Z PCOD is Pectus Carinatum? Pectus Car
Categories: Health A-Z Pediatrician Pulmonology pediatric brain tumor refers to the a
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology India, out of every one million population, 150 children are diagnosed with cancer every year. Cancers affecting children are of a unique kind. Leukemia, cancer of bone marrow and blood, is the most common cancer that accounts for approximately 30 percent of all cancers in children. Common symptoms include fatigue, bone, and joint pain, weakness, bleeding or bruising, pale skin, weight loss, fever amongst others. Types of Cancers in Children Brain and CNS (Central Nervous System) tumors account for about 26 percent of childhood cancers. Headaches, nausea, vomiting, blurred or double vision, dizziness, trouble walking or handling objects are common symptoms of these cancers. Neuroblastoma affects infants and young children and starts in the early forms of nerve cells in a developing embryo or fetus. Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma) starts in one or rarely both kidneys. It is most often found in children between 3 to 4 years of age. Lymphomas start in certain cells of the immune system called lymphocytes. They can cause weight loss, fever, sweating, tiredness and swollen lymph nodes under the skin in the neck, armpit, or groin. Rhabdomyosarcoma starts in cells, which usually turn out to become skeletal muscles. It accounts for about 3% of childhood cancers. Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye. It accounts for about 2% of childhood cancers. Primary bone cancers (cancers that start in our bones) most often occur in older children and teens, but can also develop at any age. They account for about 3% of childhood cancers.
Categories: A-Z Diseases Pediatrics Cancer Obstruction of the upper ai
Categories: Health A-Z Pediatrician capitis, also known as head lice, are tiny insects that are found on the human scalp. This problem...
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Categories: Derma Care Kids Health Men's Health Women's Health is Pelvic organ prolapse? Pelvi
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z allergy: Penicillin was disc
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z peptic ulcer (commonly known as a sto
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z is an inflammation of peri
Categories: Health A-Z A vaginal tear or a perinea
Categories: Health A-Z Peripheral artery disease which
Categories: Cardiology Neurology is Peritonitis? Peritonitis is
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z is Persistent Depressive Disorder
Categories: Health A-Z Psychiatrist Many injuries cause permane
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology disease is a hip disorder that
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care, also known as PKU, ref
Categories: Health A-Z Pediatrician Numerous newspapers, magazi
Categories: Health A-Z cysts is a fluid-filled sac o
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z is a Pinworm infection? A pinwo
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z an abnormal growth of cells occurs
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Most of us have gone throug
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z accreta is a severe condition
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z praevia is a condition which occurs in pregnant women ,when the baby's placenta instead of attaching itself...
Categories: The placenta is an organ de
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z The placenta is an organ th
Categories: Health A-Z Plague, a severe bacterial
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Plantar warts are common am
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z is a lung infection that causes the air sacs in one or both lungs to become inflamed. Cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and trouble breathing can occur when the air sacs fill with fluid or pus (purulent material). Pneumonia can be caused by a variety of species, including bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Pneumonia, both viral and bacterial, is contagious. This means that they can be passed from person to person by inhaling airborne droplets from a sneeze or cough. These types of pneumonia can also be contracted by coming into touch with surfaces or items contaminated with pneumonia-causing bacteria or viruses. Fungal pneumonia can be contracted from the environment. It does not pass from one person to the next. Pneumonia is further divided into categories based on how or where it was acquired: Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) – This kind of bacterial pneumonia is contracted while in the hospital. Because the bacteria implicated may be more resistant to drugs than other varieties, it can be more dangerous. Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) – Pneumonia obtained outside of a medical or institutional setting is referred to as this. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) – VAP is a type of pneumonia that affects patients who use a ventilator. Aspiration pneumonia – Aspiration pneumonia is caused by inhaling microorganisms from food, drink, or saliva into your lungs. If you have a swallowing difficulty or are excessively sedated from the use of medications, alcohol, or other drugs, it’s more likely to happen. Walking pneumonia Walking pneumonia is a type of pneumonia that is less severe. Walking pneumonia patients may be unaware that they have the disease. It’s possible that their symptoms are more akin to a minor respiratory illness than pneumonia. Walking pneumonia, on the other hand, may necessitate a lengthier recuperation time. The following are some of the symptoms of walking pneumonia: a low-grade fever a dry cough that lasts more than a week chills Breathing problems chest discomfort decreased appetite Pneumonia is commonly caused by viruses and bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. Walking pneumonia, on the other hand, is most usually caused by the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Stages of pneumonia Pneumonia can be characterized according to the part of the lungs it affects: Bronchopneumonia – Bronchopneumonia can damage portions of your lungs on both sides. It’s usually seen at or around your bronchi. The tubes that connect your windpipe to your lungs are known as bronchioles. Lobar pneumonia – One or more lobes of your lungs are affected by lobar pneumonia. Lungs are divided into lobes, which are distinct regions of the lung. Based on how far illness has progressed, lobar pneumonia can be categorized into four stages: Congestion – The lungs appear thick and clogged. Infectious organisms have accumulated in the fluid that has accumulated in the air sacs. Red Hepatization – The fluid has been contaminated with red blood cells and immune cells. The lungs appear red and solid as a result of this. Gray hepatization – It is a term used to describe the process of a person’ Red blood cells are starting to break down, but immune cells are still present. The hue of red blood cells changes from red to grey as they break down. Resolution – The infection is being cleared by immune cells. A productive cough aids in the ejection of any remaining liquid from the lungs.
Categories: Pneumonia Pneumonitis is a common hea
Categories: Health A-Z Pulmonology Polio is a life-threatening
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Flowers, trees, grass, and
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Categories: Gynaecology Care Also called rapid eja
Categories: Health A-Z Uro care Presbyopia is an eye
Categories: Health A-Z Opthalmology Prescription drug abuse is
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Preterm labor occurs when u
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z of us live a hectic life today be i
Categories: General Health Kids Health Living Healthy biliary cholangitis is a diseas
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z lateral sclerosis or PLS
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology is Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis?
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z rectum is the tube connected
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Progeria is a condition tha
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Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Prolactinoma is a nonmalign
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Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z can become prolapsed and pr
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z may have heard about prostate glands, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) tests and screening guidelines without giving them much thought. When it comes to prostate cancer prevention, it is time to do more than just listen. Prostate cancer is one of the highest prevalent cancers in India. While it typically affects men over 65 years, however, of late, there have been reports of an increasing number of younger men (between the age group of 35 – 44 and 55-64) residing in metropolitan cities suffering from prostate cancer. In the initial stages, Prostate cancer often goes unnoticed as symptoms may include burning sensation during urination, increased frequency of urination and difficulty in passing urine. A few major contributing factors identified towards an increased incidence of Prostate cancer are improper diet, obesity, genetic alterations and old age. What is a Prostate Gland? The prostate is a walnut-shaped, exocrine gland( Glands which produce secretions) in men located at the base of the bladder. It is a part of the male reproductive system. The prostate produces fluid that nourishes and moves sperms on their journey to fuse with a female egg, to beget human life. It is the prostate that contracts and forces the semen out during orgasm. In addition, urethra, a tube through which urine and sperm exit the body, also passes through the prostate gland (the median lobe). Therefore, an enlarged prostate (because of benign or malignant changes) affects the flow of urine. It can constrict and limit the flow of urine through the urethra (as it passes through the median lobe and median and lateral lobes of the Prostate are most affected by benign/ malignant changes in the gland) because of physical effects.
Categories: Prostate Cancer is an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. It affects at least half of all men at some time...
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Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care Pseudomembranous colitis is
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z Pregnancy is usually an exc
Categories: Health A-Z Do you often have pain in y
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Psoriasis is a skin condition
Categories: Kids Health Arthritis is the term u
Categories: Health A-Z lice are about 1.8-millimeter lon
Categories: Health A-Z The human heart is divided
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z pulmonary valve is situated between
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z Pyoderma gangrenosum
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z fever is a bacterial infection that i
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Immediately linked to the bite
Categories: Uncategorized therapy is used widely to tre
Categories: Health A-Z sickness is an illness result
Categories: Health A-Z Hunt syndrome or herpes zo
Categories: Health A-Z's disease occurs when the small
Categories: Health A-Z arthritis, also known as Reite
Categories: Health A-Z Reactive attachment disorde
Categories: Health A-Z Pediatrician Rectal cancer is a type of
Categories: Health A-Z Oncology an abnormal connection develops be
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z Breast cancer that returns
Categories: Health A-Z Oncology blood cells (RBCs) are the bright,
Categories: General Medicine Imagine experiencing
Categories: Health A-Z artery stenosis narrows one or mo
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z Retinal Detachment is
Categories: ENT Health A-Z Lumbar retrolisthesis occur
Categories: Health A-Z syndrome is one of the rarest neur
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology is a type of cancer th
Categories: Cancer care Health A-Z fever is an inflammatory cond
Categories: Health A-Z fever is a relatively serious illness and complication which happens due to a reaction with bacteria that...
Categories: and prolonged vitamin D deficiency can lead to the condition of soft and weakened bones in children...
Categories: Rickets can be thought of a
Categories: Health A-Z Traffic accidents or RTAs are as grim as any other medical emergency and one should know how to handle....
Categories: Rocky Mountain spotted feve
Categories: Health A-Z Hepatitis Roseola is a contagious vir
Categories: Health A-Z Pediatrician rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in the shoulder, connecting the upper arm (humerus) to...
Categories: is Rotavirus? Rotavirus i
Categories: Health A-Z palpitations are when your heart s
Categories: Cardiology Rumination syndrome cau
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z An opening or tear in t
Categories: ENT Health A-Z Spleen is an organ in our body loca
Categories: Gastro Care General Medicine The sacroiliac joints conne
Categories: Health A-Z is the common term for a broad
Categories: Cancer care Health A-Z is an itchy skin condition that
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z is Scalp Folliculitis? Follicul
Categories: Health A-Z fever is an infection character
Categories: Health A-Z, also known as bilharziasis , is caused by parasitic worms. Infection occurs in people when they come in...
Categories: Schizoid personality disorder is an uncommon mental condition of social withdrawal...
Categories: schizoid personality disorder is a me
Categories: Health A-Z is a mental illness characterized by abnormal social behaviour and inability to understand reality. Symptoms of schizophrenia include confused thinking, hallucinations, false beliefs, lack of motivation and decreased social life. Mental health issues like anxiety and depression are common in individuals with schizophrenia. Often, schizophrenic patients are prone to substance abuse. A person who is schizophrenic has confusing thoughts, see images of things that are not there, hear sounds which are not present in reality and lose touch with reality. It is a common disorder that can attack anyone and at any age. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder and requires lifelong treatment. A person who is schizophrenic might experience the symptoms in episodes or constantly. The causes include environmental factors as well as genetic factors. Environmental factors like being raised in a city, use of drugs like cannabis during adolescence, the presence of infections, parental age, nutrition deficit during pregnancy, etc. play a major role. A variety of genetic factors and family history also cause schizophrenia. A few social factors like long-term unemployment and poverty also play a role in schizophrenia. As per many statistical reports of 2017, about 1% of the general population has schizophrenia. On average, males are more prone to schizophrenia than females and they are also likely to experience symptoms more severe than females. Most patients do not recover completely. About 20% of cases that seek help are likely to do well. Patients suffering from schizophrenia tend to have an increased chance of developing other health issues. The life expectancy of such patients is 10 – 25 years lesser than the general population. Suicide rates among these individuals are about 5% higher than the general population. People usually misinterpret schizophrenia to split personality disorder, which is a different type of mental illness. The split personality disorder is a rare illness compared to schizophrenia, which is common. A normal individual may show signs and symptoms of schizophrenia but he cannot be regarded as a schizophrenic patient unless such symptoms last for a minimum period of 6 months. Sometimes, it is likely for a person to experience an episode of schizophrenia due to a sudden and unacceptable change in life. However, when certain phases pass, they recover from it and would not experience such episodes again. Stress can trigger or worsen schizophrenia but studies prove that stress alone is not the cause of schizophrenia.
Categories: Schizophrenia The doctor may diagnose a p
Categories: Health A-Z schizotypal personality disorder is a
Categories: Health A-Z is a condition which is characterized by a curve in your spine. The angle of the curve determines whether the condition is mild or severe. If your spine is curved more than 10 degrees, it is classified as Scoliosis. The curvature of the spine is identified by doctors as C shaped or S-shaped, depending on the angle of the curve. Scoliosis can be observed in people by the way they stand. People with scoliosis have their hips uneven. They may lean on one side while standing and may have uneven shoulders. The very first symptom of scoliosis is usually spotted during puberty or when there is a growth spurt. Scoliosis may occur as a complication of muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy. Mostly the cases of Scoliosis in children are mild when they appear. However, depending on the angle of the curve, some kids develop severe scoliosis. The curve in the spine can worsen as they grow older. Severe bend in the spine will leave little room in the chest for the proper functioning of the lungs. This can lead to complications such as impaired lung function. Children who are diagnosed with mild scoliosis have to be carefully monitored regularly to check for any increase in the bend of the spinal cord. Most mild cases don’t require any treatment, however, regular X-rays are done to keep scoliosis in check. Children with mild scoliosis are required to wear braces to stop the bend from increasing. Few cases that show severe symptoms may require surgical intervention.
Categories: Scoliosis stings are painful. Many may go through minor problems like swelling, tingling or numbness due to the sting...
Categories: is a disease which occurs due to the lack of vitamin C in your diet Vitamin C , whose chemical name is ascorbic acid, plays a vital role in the body to produce collagen. Collagen is a protein that is found in bones, blood vessels and other body tissues.
Categories: is a skin condition that is
Categories: Health A-Z Seborrheic keratosis is a t
Categories: Health A-Z single most highest contributor to
Categories: Health A-Z IgA deficiency is an immunode
Categories: Health A-Z Non-suicidal Self-injury/cu
Categories: Health A-Z anxiety disorder is a condit
Categories: Health A-Z A woman’s uterus is divid
Categories: Health A-Z Septic arthritis is a painf
Categories: Health A-Z Serotonin syndrome, also kn
Categories: Health A-Z Severe Acute Respiratory Sy
Categories: Health A-Z The shaken baby syndrome is
Categories: Health A-Z In Sheehan's syndrome, wome
Categories: Health A-Z Shigella infection is
Categories: Health A-Z bowels in the human body are made u
Categories: Health A-Z Simply said, blood pres
Categories: Health A-Z intolerance occurs when small in
Categories: Health Tips Healthy Living Kids Health might be astonished when informed
Categories: Cancer care Oncology As doctors and healthcare w
Categories: COVID-19 Health A-Z who suffer from inflamed sinuses c
Categories: ENT Neurology’s Syndrome is an autoimmune d
Categories: Arthritis General Health General Medicine When the immune system react
Categories: Derma Care Kids Health is a common skin condition wher
Categories: Derma Care Health Tips Men's Health Women's Health In sleep-related eating dis
Categories: Health A-Z A slipped disc,
Categories: Health A-Z Small bowel prolapse, also
Categories: Health A-Z Every person has a type of
Categories: Health A-Z physical puncturing wound caused by the fangs of a venomous/non-venomous snake leading to a bunch of...
Categories: is entirely normal to feel a little
Categories: Health A-Z soft palate is situated at the upp
Categories: Health A-Z Solitary rectal ulcer syndr
Categories: Health A-Z walking or somnambulism is a common behavior disorder among children and...
Categories: cord injury can be one of the most perilous injuries that can happen to a person. Depending upon its location and completeness, spinal cord injury may lead to paralysis and can even be life-threatening. Injuries in the cervical spine of the spinal cord are the most severe and can lead to complete tetraplegia. Tetraplegia, also called quadriplegia, is paralysis caused by injury or disease that results in partial or total loss of use of all four limbs including the torso. What is a Spinal Cord? The spinal cord is the most important and integral part of the brain and the central nervous system. It is a bunch of nerves, which extends from the medulla oblongata (a long stem-like structure located in the brainstem) and is entrenched around by the vertebrae, stacked one above the other, forming the backbone. The spinal cord, responsible for transmitting impulses to and from the brain, begins at the occipital bone (the back and base of the skull) and goes all the way down to a region between the first and second lumbar vertebrae. The spine is responsible for a variety functions including movements, controls and stimuli – the perception of pain, ability to move, and control of bodily functions. Therefore, any injury to the spine can have both immediate and long term effects on an individual. Typically, any severe injury will cause loss of mobility and sensation downwards from the point of injury on the spine.
Categories: Spinal Cord Injury refers to a condition wher
Categories: Gastro Care General Health Health A-Z Living Healthy Spondyloarthritis (or
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care tongue- twister called spondylolist
Categories: Health A-Z sprained thumb is an injury of an important ligament in the thumb and is also called Skier’s thumb...
Categories: Infections are caused by a group
Categories: Health A-Z An infection that is sexual
Categories: Health A-Z Syndrome is a serious health d
Categories: Health A-Z When women lose their
Categories: Health A-Z stomach as an organ receives and contains food before breaking down and digesting it. Stomach cancer begins...
Categories: ulcers (also known as peptic ulcer disease) are painful sores which occur in the lining of the stomach...
Categories: throat is a bacterial infection w
Categories: ENT Health A-Z A blood test, going on a so
Categories: Health A-Z stroke also referred to as a cerebral vascular accident is found to be the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. It occurs when the blood supply to the brain has been disrupted. Blockage of blood supply by a clot may occur in the artery and in other cases there can be bleeding into the brain tissue. The treatment for stroke must be administered immediately because the window of opportunity for treating stroke patients is only three hours. A person having the stroke should be taken to the hospital within 60 minutes, to prevent further Headache treatment disability. That’s why it is important for all of us to know warning signs of stroke and how to act in case of this medical emergency.
Categories: Stroke stroke, or brain attack, is caused by the sudden loss of blood flow to the brain or bleeding inside the head...
Categories: subarachnoid space (SAS) refers to
Categories: Neurology A subconjunctival haemorrha
Categories: Opthalmology to a head injury as a result of accidents, falls or blows to the head, there arises a life-threatening...
Categories: Head injuries are dan
Categories: Health A-Z of newborn babies try their bes
Categories: Kids Health is said to be an act of taking
Categories: Health A-Z Psychiatrist A sun allergy is most commo
Categories: Health A-Z Supraventricular tach
Categories: Health A-Z the name ‘Sweet’s Syndrome’
Categories: Derma Care Men's Health Women's Health you complain of having pain and irri
Categories: ENT’s itch, otherwise known as ce
Categories: Health A-Z Flu, also called A (H1N1) pdm09 In
Categories: General Health Healthy Living Kids Health rectum is the lowest part of the hu
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z myeloma is plasma cell cancer.
Categories: Health A-Z Oncology Bird flu belongs to a group of
Categories: General Medicine Infectious Disease Syphilis is an infectious i
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Syringomyelia develops when
Categories: Health A-Z Systemic capillary leak sy
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z Systemic Mastocytosis is a
Categories: Health A-Z’s arteritis is a rare vascul
Categories: Health A-Z disease is a genetic disorder
Categories: Health A-Z lobe seizures originate in the
Categories: Neurology temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a
Categories: ENT Health A-Z is irritation or an inflamma
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology cancer develops in the testi
Categories: Health A-Z of Fallot is a combination of four heart conditions one might have at birth, affecting the structure of the heart...
Categories: is Thalassemia ? ( Definition,
Categories: Cancer care Kids Health had a stroke, but shockingly, you do
Categories: A to Z Test Faq's General Health Health & Fitness Health Tips are kidneys, and what are their fu
Categories: Health A-Z Kidney Failure Nephrology pattern baldness can be a tricky
Categories: Health A-Z Women's Health is a health anxiety disorde
Categories: General Health Kids Health Neurology on its location and size, a T
Categories: Health A-Z Outlet Syndrome (TOS) is not a
Categories: Health A-Z Thrombocytopenia is a condi
Categories: Health A-Z arthritis is an age-related probl
Categories: Health A-Z are thyroid nodules? Thyroid is
Categories: Health A-Z Tinea Versicolor, also
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z when it seems that the COVID-19 sc
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Kids Health is the uncontrolled growth of ce
Categories: Health A-Z Oncology tongue is a muscular organ that hel
Categories: Health A-Z is Tonsil Cancer? Tonsil cancer
Categories: Health A-Z Oncology is a Tooth Abscess? A tooth abs
Categories: Dentist Health A-Z is an inflammation in your
Categories: Gastro Care (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a f
Categories: Health Tips Neurology Toxemia is a health c
Categories: Health A-Z Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Categories: Derma Care Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a rare me
Categories: Health A-Z Trachoma is a bacterial inf
Categories: Health A-Z global amnesia is a sudden, t
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a mini-stroke which resembles a stroke with similar symptoms,..
Categories: and Definition of Transient Is
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology of great arteries is a se
Categories: Cardiology myelitis (TM), a rare neurol
Categories: Health A-Z hard jolt or a violent blow to your b
Categories: Health A-Z’s Diarrhea occurs when you v
Categories: Health A-Z is Hypercalcemia? Calcium is an
Categories: Health A-Z sure is a gift. That is why m
Categories: Gynaecology Care Men's Health Women's Health is a disease that is caused
Categories: Health A-Z is a non-viral contagiou
Categories: Health A-Z describes an impulsive
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology atresia is a rare congenital
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z valve disease is a health con
Categories: Health A-Z Trigger finger is a painf
Categories: Health A-Z heart is one of the most vital orga
Categories: Cardiology General Health General Medicine Health A-Z Living Healthy Truncus arteriosus is a rar
Categories: Health A-Z When people have an intense
Categories: Health A-Z When a person experie
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Tuberous sclerosis is an un
Categories: Health A-Z Tularemia, caused by
Categories: Health A-Z It is always fascinating to
Categories: Health A-Z twitches are tiny involuntary movements involving small areas of muscle or muscle fibers. These twitches often go unnoticed & when you do feel them, they tend to feel worse & more noticeable than they truly are. Twitches, also known as fasciculations, can occur in the arms, feet, fingers, hands, head, legs, stomach & other parts of the body. Twitches can also happen in the eye muscles. Muscle twitches are usually harmless & are more of an irritation than a problem for concern. In most cases, they disappear quickly after they appear or when the underlying cause is observed. In rare cases, however, muscle twitching can be a sign of a neurological disorder. If your child is suffering from muscle twitching, it can be very uncomfortable & nerve-wracking for you as a parent. However, identifying the exact cause of muscle twitching can be extremely helpful in making sure your child gets the correct treatment. Although it is not common for a child’s muscles to twitch involuntarily, it does happen. Children can also suffer from a benign & diet deficient twitches, just like adults.
Categories: Twitch Type 1 diabetes can occur i
Categories: Kids Health, there are approximately 300
Categories: Opthalmology A fall too hard, and you might
Categories: Emergency Health A-Z Ortho Care disease is not just a physical hea
Categories: Cardiology Kids Health your favorite paani-puri and icy ja
Categories: General Medicine colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. It is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the...
Categories: umbilical hernia occurs due to weakne
Categories: Kids Health all forget where we kept that box of firecrackers, or the bill that needs to be paid. But there is a more serious loss of memory that progressively begins to disrupt one’s normal day-to-day functions. Alzheimer’s disease is the commonest form of dementia, a disease of old age, and becomes increasingly frequent with every passing decade after 60 years.
Categories: a brief lull, the number of
Categories: COVID-19 the fertilized egg attaches itself
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health Awareness Days Health Tips Healthy Living human body is composed of various e
Categories: Critical Care Emergency prostate is a small gland in men. It is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate is about the size and shape...
Categories: is a chronic inflammatory di
Categories: Cardiology As babies and toddlers grow
Categories: Health A-Z is an infection caused by
Categories: Health A-Z An undescended testic
Categories: Health A-Z is a rare kind of tumour that c
Categories: Health A-Z cancer is the abnormal growth
Categories: Health A-Z is a Ureteral Obstruction? The
Categories: Health A-Z stricture occurs when scarring
Categories: Health A-Z Uro care is Urinary Incontinence? When y
Categories: Health A-Z Uro care Urinary incontinence is common, affecting about 1 out of 3 older people. Some people...
Categories: prolapse happens when ligaments
Categories: Health A-Z is a skin disease resulti
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z is Uveitis? Uveitis is the infl
Categories: Health A-Z atrophy is commonly found in wo
Categories: Health A-Z means an uncontrolled growth of
Categories: Health A-Z Vaginal dryness is a widesp
Categories: Gynaecology Care Vaginal discharge is crucia
Categories: Gynaecology Care is a Vaginal Yeast Infection? A
Categories: Gynaecology Care Health A-Z Women's Health fever is a fungal infection. It
Categories: Health A-Z individuals in India (around 30%) have varicose veins of the legs. while this can cause pain and discomfort for some people, for others this can just be a cosmetic concern. Defined as swollen and distended veins, varicose veins usually occur in the legs. While varicose veins can occur anywhere in the body, this is seen most commonly in legs. That is because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body. Varicose veins occur most often in people aged 30yrs and above.
Categories: Varicose Veins The colon, also known as th
Categories: Health A-Z dementia is the most common fo
Categories: Health A-Z is a broad term for conditio
Categories: Health A-Z Vasovagal syncope is a medi
Categories: Health A-Z is Venous Stasis Dermatitis? Ve
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z septal defect (hole in the heart) is a congenital heart defect wherein a hole occurs in the wall...
Categories: Ventricular Septal Defect o
Categories: Health A-Z Ventricular tachycardia is a he
Categories: Cardiology When babies are about
Categories: Health A-Z is Vertical Transmission? Everyone
Categories: Cardiology COVID19-FAQ Critical Care Gynaecology Care Kids Health Vertical Transmission is a condition that makes the person feel that themselves or the environment around is moving or spinning. It varies from dizziness in that vertigo represents an illusion of movement. When the subject feels that they themselves are moving, it is called subjective vertigo. The perception that surroundings are moving, it is called objective vertigo. Unlike nonspecific lightheadedness or dizziness, vertigo has relatively few causes. Vertigo can be caused by the problems in the brain or the inner ear. These include swelling within the inner ear due to a viral/bacterial infection, Meniere’s disease, tumors, decreased blood flow to the base of the brain, multiple sclerosis, head & neck injury,migraine (headaches), or complications from diabetes. Symptoms of vertigo include a sensation of disorientation or motion, which may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, sweating, or abnormal eye movements. Other symptoms of vertigo may include hearing loss, a ringing sound in the ears, visual changes, weakness, difficulty in speaking, a decreased level of consciousness, & difficulty walking. Vertigo can be diagnosed by a medical history & physical exam. CT scans, blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), & electrocardiogram (ECG) may also be performed depending on the suspected cause. Treatment for vertigo includes medications & physical therapy procedures. The diagnosis of vertigo depends on the cause. Some cases of vertigo are self-limiting, while others require drugs & physical therapy.
Categories: Vertigo Urine is the waste produced
Categories: Health A-Z One may have wondered
Categories: Health A-Z If a tail grows in humans,
Categories: Health A-Z Gastroenteritis, also known as st
Categories: Health A-Z Hemorrhagic Fever is a multisyste
Categories: Health A-Z and minerals are crucial for t
Categories: Health A-Z People develop voice disord
Categories: Health A-Z Vulvar cancer is cancer of
Categories: Health A-Z monsoon, certain diseases are on th
Categories: Healthy Living Kids Health Living Healthy Bronchiolitis is a comm
Categories: Health A-Z Lack of vitamin B1 and alco
Categories: Health A-Z Nile Virus (WNV) is a zoonotic dis
Categories: Health A-Z retina is the tissue at the back of
Categories: Health A-Z are not enough studies or clear ev
Categories: COVID19-FAQ hair follicles, also known as h
Categories: Derma Care Colon polyps, in some c
Categories: Gastro Care are hard and thick patches of the
Categories: Derma Care is a Meniscus Tear? A meniscal
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care Moles, also called ‘nevus
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z Polyps can be detected on your na
Categories: Pulmonology Skin is the largest organ of your bo
Categories: Derma Care Kids Health is a must for maintaining good hea
Categories: Health A-Z is meant by Sclerosing Mesenteriti
Categories: Health A-Z Personality Disorder, or BPD
Categories: Health A-Z kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped or
Categories: Uncategorized Fever is known as allergic rhinitis.
Categories: General Health Health A-Z Kids Health Men's Health Women's Health heart disease or Cor pulmonale
Categories: Cardiology Healthy Living anemia, also known as hypoplast
Categories: Health Tips Healthy Living syndrome (TS) is a type of neur
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Dengue fever is a mosquito-
Categories: Health A-Z Infectious Disease shoulder or ‘adhesive capsuliti
Categories: Ortho Care has become a common phenomenon
Categories: General Health Video (Thrombo + Phlebitis),
Categories: General Health General Medicine Health A-Z Healthy Living hernia is a condition most frequently encountered in the abdomen or around the groin where an organ or tissue squeezes...
Categories: of Herniated Disk You may b
Categories: Health A-Z panic attack causes sudden fear, over
Categories: Cardiology Emergency Health A-Z of the stomach is a type
Categories: Health A-Z Oncology Alcohol Poisoning is a
Categories: Healthy Living management deals with recognizing
Categories: Health A-Z Psychiatrist Antral Gastritis: Gastritis
Categories: Health A-Z Atelectasis is a condition
Categories: Critical Care Living Healthy Pulmonology is a neurodevelopment disorder tha
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology is a medical condition that dev
Categories: Alternate Medicine Health A-Z of Remission If you or your
Categories: Oncology Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) causes tin
Categories: General Health General Medicine Health A-Z can be defined as partial or complete obstruction in the food pipe or throat due to a foreign body such as food...
Categories: order to understand what cholecystitis is, we must first understand how the gallbladder functions...
Categories: that occurs due to several
Categories: Liver care Pulmonology is Clubfoot? There are a host o
Categories: Health A-Z's disease is also known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of the lining of...
Categories: involves damage of nerve cells in the brain, which can occur in several areas of the brain. Dementia affects...
Categories: when people feel sad, they say they are "depressed." But depression is more than just feeling sad...
Categories: Prolapse or Herniated Disk A disc P
Categories: Health A-Z of Dyshidrotic Eczema D
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z is a neurological (central nervous system) disorder characterised by seizures and short periods of unusual...
Categories: you ever experienced bloating, abd
Categories: Health A-Z is Gangrene? Gangrene is a seri
Categories: Health A-Z Vascular Also called stomach can
Categories: Cancer care Gastro Care Health A-Z Oncology affects the functioning of th
Categories: ENT Health A-Z Heartburn or Gastroesophageal R
Categories: Cardiology Gastro Care group of diseases primarily character
Categories: Gastro Care Health A-Z is characterized by an unco
Categories: Psychiatrist Alok Ranjan Sr. Consultant Neurosurge
Categories: Ortho Care intestine is a crucial organ of the
Categories: Health A-Z Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care's disease is a condition of the
Categories: ENT you ever seen a person react stron
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Psychiatrist Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a condition where fat builds up in the liver even without alcohol take...
Categories: OCD Obsessive-compulsiv
Categories: Health A-Z Psychiatrist is a condition characteriz
Categories: Health A-Z Ortho Care's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects voluntary movement....
Categories: inflammatory disease (PID) is a b
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Women's Health pain is a common issue found in you
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z Is POTS? POTS or Postural ortho
Categories: General Medicine Living Healthy Women's Health cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in men. It usually affects men in their 60s, but is now...
Categories: a blood clot blocks one of the art
Categories: Pulmonology Pyloric Stenosis The human
Categories: Gastro Care General Health General Medicine Living Healthy Schizoaffective disorde
Categories: Health A-Z stenosis is a health condition i
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Cells are a type of cells that
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z Sweet syndrome causes fever
Categories: Health A-Z is Tennis Elbow? Tennis elbow i
Categories: Ortho Care’s disease is a rare disorder
Categories: Derma Care General Medicine hypertension is a medical ter
Categories: Cardiology Health A-Z of us hurt ourselves in some or th
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology is a skin and hair bacter
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z syndrome is a kind of kidney d
Categories: Health A-Z Nephrology is waxy substance that is f
Categories: General Health General Medicine Living Healthy Tests and Procedures Edward’s syndrome, named aft
Categories: Kids Health gravis is a condition that c
Categories: Health A-Z is a contagious viral infecti
Categories: Health A-Z Infectious Disease Although common in the
Categories: Health A-Z Breast rash is a common con
Categories: Health A-Z White matter disease
Categories: Health A-Z Is a Universal Blood Donor? A u
Categories: Health A-Z is an integral part of a person’
Categories: Health A-Z cough, also known as Pertussis,
Categories: ENT Health Tips Healthy Living Kids Health Pulmonology is defined as the buildup
Categories: General Health Kids Health Living Healthy Neurology The placenta is an organ which
Categories: Gynaecology Care’s disease is a rare genetic dis
Categories: Gastro Care Men's Health Women's Health is XP - Xeroderma Pigmentosum?
Categories: Derma Care Health A-Z is Xerophthalmia? Xerophthalmia
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z, each person has one pair of
Categories: Pediatrician Women's Health syndrome is a rare genetic conditio
Categories: Health A-Z Neurology Zellweger syndrome (ZS) is
Categories: General Medicine Health A-Z is Zika Virus Zika virus belongs to
Categories: General Health Infectious Disease A Zoonotic disease is also
Categories: Health A-Z Infectious Disease